Chapter 14

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"Babe you have nothing to worry about, they will love you I promise," Yoongi says as he wraps his arms around your waist giving you a quick peck on the lips.

"You say that now but then we get there and I'm the only stranger. Yoongs I'm nervous!!" He chuckles rubbing my arms trying to calm my worries. "Don't worry you'll have me, Tae and Joon you'll be fine." You look down before asking:

"Have you talked to Hoseok at all? It won't be the same without him."

"I've tried but nothing... I apologized so many times he refuses to come along." He looks down clearly hurt and disappointed that it won't be complete.

You cup his cheeks fixing him to look back at you. "I could talk to him if you'd like. I mean we leave in a couple of hours. I wanted you to do it because well he has to hear how much you want him there. How he's family and how you love him."

"I tried Y/n," Yoongi says turning around heading back to his bed to finish packing.

"I should go I have to go make sure Tae is up and ready to go." You walk out of his room letting him finish packing. You start heading to the front door when you hear no response from him. "Y/n wait. I want him there I do but I can't force anyone to go somewhere they don't want to. He will always be welcome to come."

"Watch me. I'll get him to go." He grabs your wrist pulling it towards his room. "Yoongi we can't do anything now we don't have time for it." You say trying to get out of his grip but he holds on tighter, we walk past his room leaving me more confused and he knocks on Hoseok's door.

"Go away Yoongi." You hear through the door and he sighs turning to face you. "I'll take care of Taehyung. Be my guest trying to get him to go it'll be tough." He says kissing your forehead before grabbing his keys to get Tae. You knock one more time waiting outside, you hear him shuffling through the door.

"I said to go the fuck a-" He opens the door mid-sentence, both shock, and regret written on his face. You wave your hands in front of me before he gets to apologize. "Don't worry about it you didn't know, I just wanted to talk." He gives me this 'I'm not going so don't try' face.

"Just hear me out? Please? I'm not here to convince you to go nor am I here to tell you how much Yoongi wants you there or that he's sorry and misses you. Nor how-"

"But you are (y/n)." You sigh

"I know I'm sorry. I don't want to mess things up-" You lean on the door frame arms crossed looking down. "-I don't know how to do this. I've never done this thing... meeting the parents. Everyone is just going to fit in so well and I'll be there... just... there." He pulls you into a hug as you wrap my arms around his waist, over these past few weeks he has really been there for you.

He always told me to wait for Yoongi to come around that he is being stupid and will come back begging to see me. He was right in the end but why can't he do it himself?

"I should go make sure Tae didn't distract Yoongi. Don't stay in all week and make sure you eat right okay." You say pulling away from him grabbing your jacket and heading out the door.

"I'll call you to make sure you're still alive okay. Do me a favor, wake Joon and tell him we'll be back in an hour, to be ready."


Of course, you get there and they are both passed out on Tae's bed. Nothing packed and we leave in 3 hours. You decide to open the room door and slam it as hard as you can and cross your arms over your chest tapping your foot. Tae gets up right away but Yoongi just turns over onto his stomach, sheets over his head.

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