Chapter 31

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Saturday, October 21st, 1:30 pm

"Y/n hurry up, I don't want to be late meeting your mom."

"I'm trying. You didn't have to leave these many marks on my skin. Speaking of which I should probably cover yours."

You yell from the bathroom while Yoongi waits on the bed. "Babe it's not even that noticeable, now c'mon I want to make a good impression, or at least a better one than the one she has in her head."

You walk out of the bathroom and over to Yoongi with some concealer, waiting for him to unbutton his top few buttons.

"Babe you can't even see it! I'm wearing a collared shirt. It's covered and you.... well, you are very talented with makeup."

You roll your eyes putting away the concealer and grabbing your jacket. To say you were nervous would be an understatement, your mom already has an opinion about Yoongi and she has definitely made it clear to you.

You told her all the good things about Yoongi, how he seems like he isn't romantic but actually is. How he tends to wear his heart on his sleeve when it comes to those he cares about. You told her how much his career means to him but doesn't let it consume his life.

When she asked about the break up you didn't give too much information. The most you said was that it wasn't the right time for you two and although you didn't tell her much you can only assume Yoongi's parents filled in whatever they knew about it.

From what you could tell she didn't hate Yoongi but she also wasn't too sure about him. She just couldn't understand why two people who loved each other so much couldn't make it work.

Yoongi was practically shitting his pants, the feeling he had when you met his parents was nothing compared to what he feels right now. Maybe he might have felt better if you guys had never broken up but he is just consumed with fear.

Fear of your mother not approving.

Fear that the impression she has of him is the same worst-case scenario he has in his head.

Fear of her not believing just how much he loves you.


Fear that her opinion could mean losing you.


"Mom, this is Yoongi. Babe this is my lovely mother." He bows shaking her hand.

She looks at him skeptically causing his ears to turn red. She pulls his hand towards her making him stubble but quickly catching his balance. "So you are the boy that broke my daughter's heart." His Adam's apple bobs up and down as his nerves start to take over. You put a hand on top of theirs pulling Yoongi's hand away from your mother's grip.

"Mom please go easy on him. Either hug him or hit him but either way, stop looking at him like that. You're making me nervous."

She steps back walking into the living room telling the two to follow her. Taking Yoongi's hand in yours giving it a light squeeze pulling him behind you. The two of you sit on the couch next to each other, your mother on the opposite couch. Her opinion is the one thing that matters the most to you and your love for him makes this whole thing 10 times more difficult.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now