Chapter 23

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Tuesday, August 23 6:00 am

Yoongi woke up without you there that morning. Usually, he would be worried and panic would start to set in but after last night he woke up happy. For the first time in years, he was truly happy. He went to freshen up before going to go find you.

Heading out your room he hears talking and peers around the corner looking into the kitchen. He finds you and his mom laughing and talking so he decided to lean against the wall out of sight and just listen.

"This was the last thing I expected when coming to visit this week."

"I know. Trust me I didn't think he would be back in my life."

"So what is happening between you two? The truth please." Laughing slightly you try to collect your thoughts over the past few weeks.

You look to the hall where your bedroom is located just thinking about how he makes you feel.

"It's a lot and I honestly don't know where to start. You know I hired him as my photographer and it was hard seeing him again. Much less working with him." You pause not really sure what you want to tell her. "It was a surprise and we both said a lot of things to the point where I don't know where we go from here."

"You love him that's a fact." You chuckle knowing that she was never planning on asking. "You barely made it to the second date in your other 'relationships' and it's all because you're still in love with someone else. So ask yourself this, are you willing to date knowing he loves and wants to be with you?"

"No, I don't plan on dating anyone else. The only reason I went on the other dates, was because of you. You forced me to go on them." She laughs nodding her head telling you she just wanted you to have a life. "But he has to try so much harder, he can't just tell me he loves me and kiss me and think that's all it will take."

"Good but don't take his shit. He's my son and I love him but he can be foolish, oblivious, idiotic, etc. sometimes."

Thanks, mom. I can really feel the love.

"Mom he might hear you!" The two of you laugh kind of loudly and despite being insulted by his own mother, he smiles nonetheless loving how the two of you get along and care for each other. He is lost in his thought of you as he sits on the floor. The next thing he knows the fresh smell of coffee wafts through the apartment.

He gets up from his hiding place walking into the kitchen hugging you from behind resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Good morning Y/n."

Your heart almost stopped not hearing him call you babe. You weren't sure what to feel and you weren't sure why it hurts. Maybe because that's all he's called you for weeks now, you got used to it but you can't let that get to you.

"Morning yoongi. Say hello to your mother." You go back to making coffee for everyone.

He walks over to her giving her a tight hug walking her backward a bit and whispers a small but meaningful thank you. "You always used to eavesdrop when you were younger. I should have known." He smiles widely at her and she reaches up to pinch his cheeks. "Fight for her Yoongi and don't mess it up this time because she won't come back again."

"I won't. I don't plan on losing her ever again mom."

"Good now go Kiss her good morning you idiot."

"What are you guys whispering about? Your coffee is ready, also what do you want to-"

All as once he pulls away from his mother turning around walking over to you and kissing you. "Good- Morning- Babe. Mwah." He says between kisses. "Uh hi, Yoongi... what?" His mom mumbles something before grabbing two cups and disappearing in the hall.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now