Chapter 8

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"I'm so sorry" You sigh and turn to Hobi. "You said you can handle him." You poke him on the chest and he moves back slightly. "You told me you've done this before." You poke him again. "You said NOT.TO.WORRY!" You hit his chest this time.

"I usually can handle him, it has been a while since I took care of him I'm sorry." He says looking at the two on the couch. "Wait I'm sorry... a while since you've taken care on Taehyung? What does that mean?"

"A while since I took care of a-a drunk Joon and Taehyung reminded me of him- uh so yeah- sorry."

"Look I don't know what's going on with the 3 of you I know you're not telling me something. I'm not in the mood to push anything right now, I have to get him home so I'll see you guys another time." You say walking over to Tae who is now playing with Namjoon's ears.

"But hyungggggg I wanna go for a wwwrrride. Giddy up horsey." He says giggling and swinging his legs.

" He says giggling and swinging his legs

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"Tae honey it's time to go home."

"Y/n do you want a ride to? You just have to give horsey Joon a quarter."

"Haha no we have to go home now. Aren't you tired? I know horsey Joon is tired." You look at Namjoon nodding his read rapidly.

"Okay, let's out for the meany. Bye Namjoon hyung thanks for the ride, I missed youuuu. Bye Hobi hyung I missed youuuu toooooo." He says latching onto you like a koala and he starts rubbing his cheek on the side of your head something he does just before he falls asleep.

"Hey, why don't you just stay here tonight Tae can sleep with Hoseok in his room," Yoongi says, he seemed a little panicked. He wasn't too sure if you heard what Taehyung called the other boys but he had hoped you didn't.

Whatever the case he didn't want you to leave both for his own selfish reasons but also because he didn't want you to let whatever you heard to sit and fester overnight.

"No, it's fine really"

"We insist, it's the least I can do considering. Plus it will be hard to drag him all the way back to campus." Hoseok says as he slowly peels the sleeping Taehyung off your body. "How much did he drink?" You watch as he sinks down putting all his weight on him. "Only a few more cups..." He says quietly looking anywhere be me.

"A few more cups with a bunch of crap in it that you let him pour am I right?" He scratches his head well aware that you not happy about it.

"I'll help you take him to your room," Namjoon says trying to defuse the tension. They walk down the hall to Hobi's room and you face Yoongi.

"I think he missed you. I mean why else would he get that wasted the moment he saw you?" You walk away without waiting for a response. As you get into his room you sit on the bed thinking about how you got stuck in this mess.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now