Chapter 24

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"I think it worked you guys," Aria says stuffing some of her grilled chicken caesar salad into her mouth. She's currently at the hospital in Namjoon's office eating lunch with him and Hobi during their break. "She just seemed different today, forcing them to live together was a great idea."

"Do you think they did it?" Joon asks his girlfriend who shakes her head in response. "No, she just seems happy but not that happy. I just don't know what caused it. Like it's obviously Yoongi but what did he do?"

"Do you think they slept in the same bed?" Hoseok's phone goes off suddenly and he fishes it from his pocket. "Yeah, they most definitely did. Mom and Dad are here for a week. They have that wedding to attend." Hoseok says passing Joon his phone with a message that says:


2:30 pm

Mom 💕:

Honey don't forget that we are here for a week.
I need the dirt and the two lovebirds are being very vague.


No hi, Hobi.
I missed you Hobi.
How are you Hobi?


Boy, don't get smart with me.
Tell Joonie to pick up his phone ever so often.
He can't be ignoring my calls unless he wants an ass-whooping.

So lunch... tomorrow? Or dinner tonight?
Taehyung said dinner works for him.


Yeah, dinner is good. We'll see you tonight.


Alright, love you, honey.
Make sure Joon brings Aria he can't hide her from me forever.
She was Y/n's friend first.


Love you too.
I have to get back to work.
See you later mom.


Aria blushes as she finished reading the messages. Technically she already met Yoongi's parents but not as Namjoon's girlfriend. Hoseok puts his phone away and threw away his garbage.

"She's right you know. You and Aria have been together for close to 2 years. Somehow she's always busy when they come to visit."

"But she really was busy those days. She was either working or with her family." Aria kisses her boyfriend bye and wishes them a good rest of the day at work. "Right... she was 'working' okay." Hoseok mumbles. Once she leaves Joon turns to Hobi with a knowing look.

"If you tell them the truth, it will be okay. They will love and accept him because they love and accept you too." Patting his friend on the shoulder. "I see how you look at him, I know you want him to meet Mom and Dad. Plus what's wrong with showing off your hot doctor boyfriend?"

"Are you telling me to bring him along so some of the heat is off you?"

"That's possible. But also because it's been a year and you've met his parents. It's time for him to meet both of your's."

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