Chapter 7

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"Oh, I did know we had company." You heard a voice say as you were only two inches from Yoongi's pink lips that are just asking to be bit. You close your eyes for a moment before getting off him and standing up. "It's getting pretty late I should get going," You say walking over to the unknown man.

"Hi, I'm Y/n its nice to meet you..." He shakes your hand slowly as he looks between you and Yoongi who seems to be stuck to the chair.

"Ohhh you're Y/n, I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi. I've heard so much about you. You are so much prettier than he described and that picture didn't do you justice I mean you were making that weird face but yeah."

You stare blankly at him, your eyes wide, mouth slightly opened, blinking constantly taking everything in and nodding as he went along.

"P-picture? He didn't delete that thing yet!? How could that ever do anyone justice? Yoongi!" You say through gritted teeth as you turn around glaring at Yoongi who's eyes widen as he rushes over to the two of you. "Haha yeah um, so this is my roommate and best friend who was just about to leave." He chooses to ignore the death glares you shoot at him as he continues so scold Hoseok with his eyes.

"Oh no no no, I should get back to my roommate who is no doubt eating on my bed."

"I thought you didn't have a roommate?"

"Yeah technically I don't but he's there all the time anyway so he might as well be one right? He even took my spare key and everything." You chuckling at the thought of Tae gasping at the death of his favorite character.

"H-he?" Yoongi and Hobi say at the same time and you look in between them finally understanding the shocked and surprised looks on their faces. "Yeah, my friend Taehyung. Yoongi you met him for like a second remember?"

"Oh...yeah, him. I remember... the coffee shop guy... yeah."

Hobi's eyes widen, it looks like he saw a snake or something. "You okay?" You wave your hands in front of his face, the look remains the same as he just blinks staring into space. He just nods and says goodnight glaring at Yoongi before he walks away. You say your good nights and call a taxi and head home.

"When am I gonna get that dam KISS!!!" You say a little too loud in the taxi warranting a confused look in return. "I'm sorry?" The driver says looking at you in the rearview mirror.

"Hehe sorry don't mind me."


It has been a few weeks since that night and you've gone on many dates since then. No kiss yet... just in case you were wondering. The party is tonight and you've been trying to get Tae excited about it all week, food being the bribe to get him to stop changing his mind about the party.

"So what are you going to wear? I was thinking just something cute." One hand on your chin as you stare into your closet, a little too long that the colors have started to mix. Tae is on his phone doing god knows what, but most importantly not helping you.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend?"

You sigh knowing he isn't Yoongi's biggest fan and will most definitely give you a hard time later about this party. You walk over to the bed sitting next to him. "Why don't you like him? I mean if you really got to know him I think you'll really love him and likewise for him."

"I'm good thanks. Anyway, I'm gonna get dressed I'll be back in an hour, so be ready." He rubs your head messing up your hair in the process and then pinches your cheeks. You pout and swat his hand away rubbing your cheek. "OWWwww that really hurt." He just laughs walking out the door and you get ready.

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