Chapter 36

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Tuesday, April 9th, 5:00 am

"Okay, do you have everything we need? Passport and such?" You ask one last time before you and Yoongi head over to Joon's place to pick up Aria. "Yes, check your bag I put mine in with yours."

"Okay, well let's get going then we have to meet Jacob there as well." You walk out of the elevator and into the parking garage heading to your car.

"I hate that guy."

"I know babe but please just bear with it for this week, it's so vital to my career."

He shuts the trunk and climbs into the driver's seat. You watch the building pass you by as you fall deeper into your thoughts. This is the first time you've been invited to fashion week in any form.

Sure it's a collaboration but it still means so much to you, this could be a way for other people to find you. You are more recognizable in Europe rather than the states but more people know about New York fashion week rather than Milan fashion week- which you've been to a few times.

You love the experience it gave you and you truly enjoy going every year. But there is just something about showing off what you love and your home recognizing you for it.

After picking up Aria you three head straight to the airport and quickly check your bags before heading to security. Aria checks the tickets handing each of you your assigned seat.

"Okay, so we leave from gate 3B. Y/n have you heard from Jacob?"

"Yeah, his wife texted me, they are on their way to us."

You put back on your shoes while security hands Aria and Yoongi back their luggage. You guys head over to the gate waiting for the others.

"Why do you have her number?" Yoongi asks as he quickly finds a seat in the waiting area, and pulls out his phone looking through Instagram.

"Well do you want me to get his number instead?"

He gazes up at you through the top of his glasses before he moves his head looking up at you fully, pushing up his glasses. He sits up properly and raises an eyebrow.

"No, I don't want that. y-you don't have his number right?"

"No! Did you even listen to what I said? Aria is the only person who has had some contact with him-" You take a seat next to him and take his hand in yours. "-and that's just with his manager, who honestly is just there to look pretty. He doesn't even let her do anything."

"Okay, well I'm just glad that- wait how did you even get her number?"

"How do you think I found out about his wife and two kids? Some random number texted me and it took off from there." He nods his head, looking down at your hands and rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. "Are you doing to introduce yourself as my boyfriend this time? Or better yet my fiancé."

His snaps up to look at you, he tilts his head and furrows his brows clearly confused.


"Well last time he was around you said we were just working together... you know you were just my photographer... are you going to tell him about us?" he leans in closer to you.

"Oh, no, he is definitely going to know about us." He leans closer to you and your eyes instantly flash down to his lips, biting your own. "If he can't take a hit... then I'll make sure he gets it." You can feel his lips ghost yours as you tilt your head to the side.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now