Chapter 25

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"Have you met Hobi's boyfriend yet?" You ask him as he finishes his hair while you apply the last of your makeup.

"Minho was it?"

He grabs his tie walking over to you. "Mhm. Tall, dark and handsome." Your hands reach up to help him with his tie while you pursue your lips holding in your laughter as he glares down at you.

He clears his throat and looks back up at the wall behind you, so you can properly fix his tie as he speaks, "Ha yeah him... I met him a few times he's a great guy. Hobi looks really happy."

You place your hands on his chest leaning into him. He wraps his arms around your waist. He chuckles, his gummy smile showing as he thinks of the two. You tilt your head curious about what's on his mind.

"What's so funny?" He looks back down at you, eyes shining. "I even walked in on them making out on the couch a few times when I got home late. What is it they say about Karma?"

"Wow, so he knows how it feels now huh? All those times he would ruin the moment. I bet you got a kick out of that, am I right."

"Yeah wanna try and create a moment now?" He says walking you back making you fall on the bed as he climbs on top of you.

"Yoongi don't we are going to be late." You say crawling backward trying to put some distance between him and his hungry eyes.

He grabs your legs pulling you back to him letting out a yelp as you stare up at him in disbelief.

He smiles down at you in the tight fit red dress that hugs your curves in all the right places. It falls just above the knee with a small slit on the side showing some thigh. The top dips down showing off just enough of your cleavage to drive him crazy.

"Hey, buddy my eyes are up here."

"Yeah and so are your lips." He says leaning down pressing his lips to yours gently, closing his eyes as he runs a hand up your thigh bringing it up to rest against his. Moving up your hips and resting his hand on your waist as you kiss him back pulling him down deepening the kiss.

"Mhm, no mhmm no Yoongs we-we are." You cup the side of his face reluctantly push his face back praising yourself for wearing a lipstick that doesn't transfer.

"Late. We are late let's go." You say breathlessly pushing him off you as he falls on the bed with a huff. You head to the mirror fixing your disheveled state. He props himself up on his elbows as he watches you.

"At least I know what I want for dessert." He says licking his bottom lip and tucking it between his teeth as he looks you up and down. His gaze lingering on your ass.

Looking at him through the mirror you roll your eyes. "Uh think again baby, you are not getting any cake tonight."

"No dessert at all?" He pouts sitting up watching you turn around and make your way over to him. Leaning down, you place your hands on his shoulders, he has a clear view of your boobs at this angle. You place two fingers under his chin lifting it giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"As long as your parents are here... there is no chance of you getting anything."


"Yoongi where are we going?!" You whine asking for the 5th time since you stepped into the car after driving for almost an hour. "Wow, you are so annoying when you're hungry huh. Has anyone ever told you that?"

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