Chapter 22

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"Hey, guys- why are you just sitting on my floor?" You say walking over to the fridge to get a water ball. "We didn't want to see you two making out."

"Okay whoa. What makes you think we were making out?" Raising one eyebrow accusingly at Joon. "His goofy smile." He points at the boy walking up behind you. Wrapping an arm around your shoulder he brings you closer to his side as he places a quick peck to your temple.

"If you guys came back in the living room then we would have stopped." Jaws clenched, closing your eyes and taking a sharp but deep breath you elbow him. "Off. Now." He chuckles rubbing his stomach. "W-what did I do?"

"Joon where is the bag?" Hobi asks getting off the floor looking around. "I put it in the guest room."

"Great. Well Y/n we have to get going... we love you but this is for the best okay." Hobi says giving you a tight hug and a quick peck on the forehead before pulling away and walking to the door with Taehyung and Joon following closely behind.

"Wait... I'm confused, what bag and what is for the best?" They all stop just outside the door Tae and Joon looking at you really apologetically. "All of Yoongi's bags are in the guest room and he's staying with you."

"B-b-bitch what?" Eyes wide and lips pursed you tilt your head not really believing your ears. "Well I will rip his head off if he stays with us that's the first thing... the second thing is well it's easier now for you to spend some 'quality time' together"

"Shut the fuck up! Are you serious guys? Oh, come on guys!!! You can't do this to me!" You start flailing your arms in the air talking about how unreasonable they are being. Avoiding an angry Y/n they sprint to the elevator and you slam the door turning back around coming face to face with a smiling Min fucking Yoongi.

"Don't get any ideas." He backs you up to the door hands by your head trapping you as he leans over. Heat rushes to your cheeks as you try your hardest to keep eye contact, which doesn't go unnoticed by him.

"This will be, interesting... baby." Voice dropping an octave lower as his face inches closer to your face. Your breath hitches and you blink a few times as your gaze shifts to his lips which he subtly, not so subtly tucks between his teeth.

"Don't you think?" It's clear at this point he's teasing but you can't really process much right now. You go to say something when he suddenly pulls away with a mischievous smirk on his face, "hold that thought, nature's calling." He winks turning around heading to my bathroom. You let out a shaky breath you weren't aware you were holding.

Karma... that bitch

You then hear knocks on the door completely forgetting about everything else.

Opening the door after composing yourself slightly a wide smile appears on your face. "Mom, Dad please come in." They take off their shoes before pulling you into a bear hug. "How are you doing sweetheart?... Uh, honey whose shoes are those?" You try to move them so their backs are facing the hallway, not wanting them to see him without some kind of explanation first.

"Now please don't take this the wrong way okay..." She gasps as she grabs a hold of your hands. "Are you dating someone? Huh... is he here?" She whispers the last part. "Mom you know I don't have time for dating."

"Y/n you aren't getting any younger, don't you think it's time to settle down?" Yoongi's dad chimes in after his mom.

"Please don't encourage her. I thought you were on my side."

"Well, I was- until I saw some unknown shoes now I think it's good you found someone." You put your hands up in surrender waving them in front of you. "It's really not what you guys think."

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