Birthday Special

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Saturday, March 9th, 6:30 am

You woke up early to make Yoongi breakfast in bed. You made what your mom would make for you every year, waffles, mini chocolate chip pancakes, and a cup of coffee. You know that waking him up will be... tough but you are hoping he won't be as pissed off at you since it's his birthday.

You place the tray on your desk and you crawl into bed with snuggling up behind him. You wrap one arm around his waist, throwing one leg over his.

"Babe? You up?"

"I am now." In all his raspy glory and turns around to face you, eyes still closed. You reach up to brush his fringe away from his eyes and run a finger down the bridge of his nose. "I made you breakfast..."

"I don't want to get up." His eyes finally flutter open and his gaze makes your heart melt. "Luckily for you, it's sitting on the desk. I'll bring it to you." You tap on his chest lightly as you go to get the food. His hand capture's yours before you can get too far.

"I see something better right. in front. of me..." He says slowly leaning in but you somehow managed to squeeze out of his grip and his face fell onto the pillow. He lied there with his lips puckered for a few seconds and luckily you had your phone next to the bed and took a quick picture.

"Oh fuck-"

Once he heard the shutter go off his head whips in your direction, eyes are wider than the Indian ocean you start to back away. He throws the sheets off his body and you throw your hands up in surrender making your way to the door.

"Okay, Yoongi... wait- w-we can talk a-about this." Your back hits the door frame and you make a mad dash for the living room. "DELETE THAT PICTURE Y/N!" You end up in the kitchen the only thing keeping you and your phone safe... is the kitchen island.

"Now now... let's think about this okay, you took that horrible picture of me in college."

"I-I d-deleted that."

"Oh no, you did not. Yoongi that ugly picture was your phone lock screen for a month before I begged you to change it. I didn't want my staff seeing that."

You see him shift towards you and you make a break for the couch, who knew he was so so fast...

You suddenly see him pop up in front of you and he soon pushes you onto the couch him hovering over you.

"Give me that phone Y/n." The stern voice mixed with his stupid playful smile makes you want to mess with him a little. You shake your head stuffing your phone in between the couch cushions.

"I'm not deleting it Yoongi. Just accept it. We are even." You give him a sickening smile as you run your hands up and down his arms which are on either side of your head. He opens his mouth ready with some snappy comeback but you quickly cut him off.

"Great! I'm glad you agree. Now let's go warm up the now cold food and coffee." He leans down putting his body weight on you and spinning you both in your side. His head rests on your chest listening to your heartbeat.

"I already told you what I wanted to eat babe. It's my birthday, can I get what I want?" You sigh and you space out a little as you play with his hair earning a satisfied groan from him. "I want to show you something, so can we please eat and get ready? After that, we can do whatever you like."

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now