Chapter 13

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*Yoongi's POV*

Having her in my embrace made me realize how stupid I was being for letting this go on for so long. She mumbles against my chest and I let my arms fall to her waist giving her some space but not enough to move away.

"I took off work for this. What did you want to talk about?" She still doesn't hug me, her arms crossed in front of her. "If you wanted to talk about the project... I was up all night finishing it. I just have a few things to add and I'll be done."

She nods to herself before squirming in my grip as if she was telling herself that she was sure she wanted to get out. "I don't want to talk about that. I miss you and I wanted to spend the day with you." She doesn't reply she just looks off to the side.

"We could stay in or go out to eat food, have an adventure anything you want. Please just let me have this day with you." She looks back at me blinking away the tears in her eyes that have yet to come down.

"I'm hungry and don't feel like doing out." I smile at her letting her go. She walks to the living room as I grab a shirt. I head out to where she was and I see her on the couch flipping the channels and I chuckle a little at how comfortable she is like nothing happened.

"What are you laughing at?" She asks not looking away from the tv. I walk to sit next to her but she ends up shifting towards the end of the couch putting her legs over mine. I wasn't really sure how to take it, it was like she was trying to keep some distance between us without losing all skinship.

"Nothing you just look comfortable." I lift her legs up moving closer so I could wrap my arm around her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm spending time with my girl."

"Oh really now?" She gets comfortable against me "I'm your girl again?"

"You will always be mine babe."

For the next few hours, we talked about everything which meant there was a lot of crying and yelling. I was glad Hoseok and Namjoon weren't home it's just been about 2 hours of off and on fighting, I think we worked through a lot and majority of what went on recently but I still haven't asked her if she was still coming to Thanksgiving.

"I'm tired and hungry can we go make some food? Anything you want, I don't care I haven't had breakfast yet." She says getting up quickly which worried me so I ended up pulling her arm. She falls on top of me her legs on either side of my thighs, my hands go down to her hips to hold her steady. Her hands fall on my chest and her face just inches away from mine.

"Where are you going?" I whisper taking the chance to scan her features since she's this close to me but I can't help feeling like I want to get closer. I reach up and put a few strands of hair behind her ear as I look into her eyes.

I rub her cheek gently with my thumb traveling it down to graze her bottom lip while I bite my own. I hold her chin as I slowly leaned in still looking into her eyes, giving her the time to stop me, instead, I saw her staring down and my lips. She wraps her arms around my neck and starts to move closer, head tilting to the side as she starts leaning in.

My grip on her waist tightens as she moves her hips back and forth a few times. The hand that was on her chin drops down holding her waist as if telling her to stop moving. I groan and I can feel my heart racing, pounding against my chest. It sounds like drums in my ears and I hope she feels half as good as I do right now. She starts to kiss up my neck and whispers in my ear.

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