Chapter 29

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It's been about 2 weeks since that conversation with Taehyung and you are so nervous about your date with Yoongi tonight. You opted for a night in just in case the conversation didn't go according to plan.

Which by the way you don't exactly have one in mind. You know that springing it on him isn't the best way to do it but it's the only thing in mind. You are so nervous that this conversation will end up hurting it, rather than helping it.

What if he just wants to stay hidden?

But my entire design department and trusted models know about us. He's the one that initiated everything so he has to want this right?

Ugggg... maybe I should just leave it alone?

I could-

*Knock Knock*

The knocks on your door echo through your apartment, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Babe, can you get that? I think it's the pizza guy." You hear Yoongi yell from down the hall.

"Yeah, no problem."

"Hi, here you go. Keep the change." The guy thanks you, handing you the box and soda before leaving. You put the box down on the coffee table in the living room before getting two plates from the kitchen.

"Okay let's eat." You see him plop down on the couch rubbing his hands before opening the box. You hand him the plates as you sit down next to him turning the tv on trying to find something to watch. You absentmindedly stare at the TV once again stuck in your thoughts.

Should I bring it up now or-

"Babe, can you hear me? I've been calling you, are you okay?" His hand waves in front of your face bringing you back. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? Where were you just then?"

"Sorry I was just looking for something good to watch." He eyes you skeptically as he hands you back your plate with two slices. "Oh um I'll only have one for now. Not really that hungry."

"Okay... Y/n what's going on? You wanted pizza. I'm pretty sure you said you were so hungry you could eat an entire pizza pie."

"Nothing really. I'll start with one for now. I'm okay really wook. Mmmm cho gwood." You say taking a big bite. He chuckles nervously as he sits back his eyes still on you while yours are glued ahead.


It's around 9:30 pm and you've been shifting nervously all night and Yoongi has picked up on it but you always brush it off never ready to ask but you finally decide that you should get it over with before it just gets swept under the rug again as it has for a while now.

You almost feel guilty that you want this. Like it's all about you but that's why you're asking right. You can't help but feel like the longer you keep this to yourself... the more it eats away at you. You want this relationship to progress but you can't help but feel like it will be stagnant if things stay the way they are.

You take a deep breath closing your eyes tightly.

"Do you want to go public like as in telling people we are together because I think it could be good for us." You say in one breath opening your eyes and looking down at your hands.

He turns the tv off fully turning to face you. One arm rests on the back of the chair, his left leg is crossing in front of him the other hangs off the couch. Your whole body is tense, you don't turn your body to him just your head.

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