Chapter 40

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Friday, July 12th, 8:30 am

You wake up to the smell of food and you roll out of bed feeling a little fatigued. You take a shower and brush your teeth throwing on some sweats and a T-shirt. Walking out of your shared room you see Yoongi's parents making some coffee and setting up a few plates.

"Morning... oh Yoongi isn't home he had a photoshoot to get to."

"Oh, morning dear. I wish he told us I would have made less food." His mom shakes his head putting away the extra plate. You plop down on a chair gaining looks from the parents.

"Sweetie are you okay?"

"I have the official launch of the wedding dresses tomorrow I guess I'm just feeling the stress of that. I just hope I'm not coming down with anything. I took today off because I've been throwing up all week."

"Y/n when was your last period?" You take out your phone looking at your period tracker app before looking back up at them both. "I'm due next week wh-" You get up running to the bathroom instantly throwing up, slightly happy you haven't eaten yet.

Yoongi's mom comes in after a little bit with a glass of water. She rubs your back before helping you up off the floor.

"Y/n do you think you could be pregnant?"

"I want to say no but I'm not that dumb. I'm just way too scared to get a test done. Yoongi and I haven't even talked about whether or not he wants to move from here or if he's even ready for kids right now."

"I sent dad out to buy a few tests and then you are going to make an appointment to see your doctor later. For now, drink this and get some food in your stomach."

She helps you to sit on the couch and you eye her questioningly.

"How long have you known?" She chuckles handing you the saltine crackers. "I had my suspicions. Yoongi thinks you had some bad fish from the new restaurant we went to."

You laugh along with her at the clueless boy. "There were some signs. You were glowing the moment I saw you and I just knew but you never said anything so I figured you weren't ready to see what I did."

You munch on the crackers thinking about all the very obvious signs and then it finally hits you when exactly it was that it could have happened.

"4 weeks."

"How do you know?"

"It was the night or... morning of Joon's wedding. It was the only time we didn't use one and I was starting a new packet in my birth control."

"So-" The door swings open and in walks Yoongi's dad with a plastic bag. "How many did you buy? I just said a few."

"...10... give or take 5..." Both your jaws drop staring at the man who is now holding out the bag waiting for you to take it.

"What? When you first got pregnant you took 5 tests before actually believing it, then you took 5 more the next day before you went to see a doctor." His wife nods her head before confirming his story and sending you off to take a few.

You took 3 clear blue tests waiting two minutes between each. No matter how you try to spin it, each of them says the same thing and you schedule a last-minute appointment with your doctor.

You walk back out to the anxious parents sitting on the couch talking amongst themselves.

"Well? How many did you take?" You smile gently at them. "I took 3, my appointment is in an hour and I stashed the rest under the sink. I hope he didn't suddenly need rubbing alcohol."

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