Chapter 28

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"Please don't kill me, I still haven't found someone to love!!" Taehyung says quivering in fear as he drops his knife and covers his ears.

"Tae what the fuck?" You turn him to face you are you peel his hands off his face. When he finally realizes it's you he smack you on the back of your head, hard enough to send you flying into his chest.

"That hurt you know."

"Whatever. How did you get into my apartment?" You hold up the spare key he gave you when he first moved in.

"Oh hehe. That still doesn't make it okay that you scared the living crap out of me Y/n. I could have killed you I hope you know that."

You pout sarcastically as you nod agreeing with him. "Yeah okay would that be before or after you stopped cowering in fear?" He rolls his eyes picking up his knife and resuming chopping up his fruits.

"Do you want the strawberries before or after I kick you out?"

"Before please." You cup your hands together holding them tightly to your chest as you bat your eyes at him. "Bitch ass."

"Love you too buddy." You say walking away and into the living room plopping yourself down onto the couch.

"Hey, where's Hobi? I didn't see his car." You yell to him as you flick through the channels.

"He's with Minho. He spent the night there why?" You hear him walking into the room placing the strawberries on the coffee table along with two bottles of water.

"Just asking. I feel like I haven't seen any of you guys in a while I missed you." You wrap an arm around his snuggling into his side.

"You are so clingy lately. Are you pregnant or something?"

"What?! No! Can't I just miss my best friend?" He scoffs grabbing the bowl and stuffing his face.

"Mo. Mot whem I cee you eberyday."

"Dude finish your food then talk. I can barely understand you on a regular basis."

"Did you forget we work together? I see your bitch ass every day. Besides, there are more important things than you missing me."

"Oh yeah like what?"

"Duh isn't it obvious."

"If it was I wouldn't have asked." He sighs pointing to the screen. "Who Colton is gonna give the first impression rose to. Did you forget I recorded the bachelor?"

"You brought strawberries to a popcorn fight. Have I taught you nothing?"


"My girl is so totally gonna win! Yours will end up in tears."

"Kim Taehyung those girls have feels too!" You shake your head at him as he pouts dramatically rolling his eyes.

"Kim Taehyung those girls have feels too!" You shake your head at him as he pouts dramatically rolling his eyes

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