Chapter 9

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*Hoseok's POV*

Another month has passed and through it all, I've really seen a change in both Yoongi and Taehyung. Y/n has really changed the two of them for the better. Let's start with Tae:

He has opened up to her more than I thought he would to anyone besides us not only that but he actually stopped ignoring Yoongi. He even went as far as smiling a little at one of Yoongi's corny jokes, and when he spilled his drink on him. Granted not exactly an ideal way to acknowledge someone's presence but at least it was something right? Even last week when they came over to join our movie night, Tae not only sat next to him but even asked him to pass the popcorn. Progress!!

Now let's get to Yoongi:

He, in my opinion, has gotten so attached to her being around him that when they aren't together I have to hear about how much he misses her. Now don't get me wrong it's refreshing seeing him falling in love first but I know he won't be the one to say it first.

He is still stuck in his ways and terrified for the future but it's nice to see he hasn't pulled away from her yet. I can only hope he opens up and tells her how he feels.

Currently, we are at the 'playground' which is more like 'the park but for adults at night when they're bored'. Anyway, as of right now Tae, Namjoon and I are playing hide n' seek while the other two lovebirds are on the swings talking about who knows what.

I'm the seeker but I can only see the Yoongi trying to get his girlfriend to smile by doing literally anything cute and or stupid. Before we left the apartment we were talking about Namjoon snoring and waking up everyone, but then Tae said that Y/n snores from time to time when she's tired. Naturally, she protested and said she never snored in her life, which Yoongi then said, like the dumb ass he is:

'no he's right you do snore especially when you pick up extra shifts at work or stay up late to finish your designs.'

The room went silent after that before Joon suggested we go to the park. Now that you are all caught up I'll go back to finding the other screaming boys running around and pass you back to the happy couple. I don't think Joon and Tae understand hide n' seek.

*Third Person*

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd get mad." He says poking her cheek and trying to hold her hand. "Babe!! Please look at me." He says getting up and standing in front of her as he holds onto the chains of the swing.

You cross your arms and turn your head to the side and he leans down to give you a quick peck on the cheek, you tried to fight back a smile. The truth is you forgave him a while ago when he bought you ice cream but you still wanted to see what he would do if he was out of options.

You're pretty sure food can cure any argument. He could hold up a burger and fries with a Dr.Pepper and he's got you forever.

You look up at him "I know I should be happy that you and Tae are getting along but did you have to agree and tell everyone I snore!!!"

"I'm so- so- so- sorry," He says in between kisses, first it's the other side of your cheek, then your forehead and then your nose. At this point, you can't stop giggling at his extremely cute actions.

"Ah ha, I won!" He says making a fist and raising it in the air. You smile at him knowing that you love the man before you and you are so tempted to say it but scared because you've never said it to anyone besides your mom and Taehyung. He starts to do a silly victory dance and it comes out faster than your brain can process it.

 He starts to do a silly victory dance and it comes out faster than your brain can process it

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