Chapter 21

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"So what made you want to work with him?" The interviewer said pointing to Yoongi. You are sitting on a couch pretty close together, your elbows are touching. If either one of you moved any closer you'd be on top of each other.

"To be honest, he wasn't the photographer I wanted. I mean granted I had no idea he was in town but still." You chuckle "But quite frankly I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. He's an amazing photographer." Looking over at him and you smile at each other.

"Uh-huh... So Yoongi- d-do you feel the same? Like what made you say yes?"

"She is an amazing designer hands down one of the most creative people I've met. Working with her is truly amazing." You nudge his side and he giggles winking at you.

"Y/n how do you feel about Yoongi, who is known for his beautiful scenery work, never taken an editorial or real-life type of photos?" You look at her confused shaking your head a little looking at him then back at her.

"W-what do you mean?" She looks to the side trying to formulate a sentence. "Correct me if I'm wrong but he never took photos like that before."

"No no he has yeah I saw this beautiful photo the way he captured the model is wonderful. This dress was this poofy dress with different shades of blue tulle with a hint of black and grey the only fitted part was the mid-drift. It looks a mess but that was the point you know?" You say as squint eyes nodding.

"The background was gloomy it didn't stand out like the dress and yet it fits so perfectly. It was in a field with a few cows and horses. Her hair in contrast to everything else was perfect and the way he captured everything that wanted to be portrayed in one photo... It's amazing... really." You say genuinely, looking at her not even aware of how Yoongi is staring at you.

"Wow, Yoongi do you have anything to add?"

"Huh?" Her gaze switches between the two on the couch. "Do you have anything else to add since it was your photo?"

"Oh, um yeah it was a project I did with my ex-girlfriend back in college our classes joined together. My photography class and her creative design class, we were dating before then."

"Wow, that must have brought you two together." You look at him then down at your hands. "No it was hard but we made it through. We had a small fight but I forgave her like the next day or two." Your heart stopped then sank to the pit of your stomach, all this time you thought he was mad for longer than 'a day or two'.

"How do you feel about her now?" He looks at you concerned, when his eyes met yours he saw tears well up but unsure as to why. He looks back at the interviewer, "I love her, always will. She was my first real relationship, one that meant more to me than she will ever know."

"Y/n? are you okay? You seem a bit down." You look up trying to wish away the tears forming and threatening to fall.

"Yeah I'm fine I just don't feel that great can we continue this another time?" You get up walking away without waiting for an answer. Yoongi apologized for the sudden change and says his goodbye trying to catch up. You are already out of the building with Aria.

"You can go home early... u-um just cancel all my meetings or whatever. I'm sure Joon would love to have you home early. H-h-he has been begging me to send you home early." You say sniffling, your head foggy as you take out your phone calling Tae to pick you up.

"Y/n... hey are you okay? What happened back there?"

"It's nothing just- look the car is here go home okay." She nods getting in the car and leaving. A hand suddenly encases your wrist, you turn around yanking yours away from his.

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