Chapter 6

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"What are you doing here?" He asks. You finally see a smiling Yoongi patiently waiting for your answer. "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" He puts his hand on his chin his bottom lip sticking out slightly, one finger tapping his lip. You must admit he has the cutest fake thinking face ever, it makes me wanna pinch his cheeks.

"Let's take a walk." He says sticking out his hand for you to take. "Okay..." You say taking his hand, walking towards the parking lot. "Whoa, where are we going?" You say stopping him by pulling on his hand. "To eat. Come on I know a place."

"Wait we were going for a walk a second ago. I have to change." You say slipping out your hand from his walking back to your building. He runs (waddles) back to you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"No you don't, you look beautiful as always. Let's go." He says walking backward still attached to you. He then turns you around taking your hand in his again and walk to the car. "I smell like coffee and cake." You say pouting and he chuckles.

"Ice cream."

"What?" he says keeping his eyes on the road. "I want ice cream do you know a place?"

You guys ended up at a really cute ice cream parlor. "So why are we here?" You say trying to avoid ice cream from melting too quickly. "Because you wanted ice cream." He replied with this 'the fuck' face. You know the face, eyes squinting, brows furrowed and lips turned up into a scowl.

"No I mean, I thought we were seeing each other tomorrow." You look back down at your cup of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles and Oreo crumbs, taking a bite before looking back at him.

"I've seen and talked to you more in the past 24 hours than I did in the days after our date." You chuckle before saying "I'm not going to ask you what you were doing then but if you need someone to talk to I'm always here." He stares at you as he tries processing everything.

"Thank you really but it was nothing worth talking about." You nod, lips pursed as you look back down ready to take another bite before he says, "So Friday, I never actually got a real answer but you just basically said you knew you were going to yes this whole time." You put down your spoon and start to bite your bottom lip out of nervousness when you look back at him.

"Were you trying to get me to beg?"

"Because at the end of the night I won't be the one begging for anything." He gets up and sits next to you patting your back as you choke on air. "Choking included." He whispers loud enough for only the two of you to hear.

You turn your head to him trying to think straight and catch your breath. "We should head back yeah?" You stand up, ice cream in hand walking to the door he follows after you with a smirk on his face. You have no idea how he is always capable of acting like its normal to talk like that in public just to get some sort of reacting out of you.

He drops you back home and confirms the details of tomorrow and just before you get out if his car he gently grabs your arm. "Dress casual, we might be getting messy, you never know." He winks at you and you quickly turn around and rush out of his car and up to your room before you start to blush like a mad woman.

As you get up to your room guess you see on the bed, with iced tea in one hand and fries in the other, on my computer. "Taehyung how the fuck did you get in here?" You say putting your bag down and putting your books on the desk.

"I made a copy," He says without looking up from some Anime. "You made a key?!" You say stuffing some fries in your mouth and getting on your, YOUR bed. "No I took the spare on you had on the other desk duh." He pauses the show and is getting ready for the worst.

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