Chapter 15

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"He was really chubby as a baby and it was cute for a while... but then he started walking and running. He looked like a wobbling snowman running towards me every time I opened my arms for a hug."

"Mom~ why are you so mean to me?" She chuckles pinching her son's cheeks, "It's my job Yoongi. At least I didn't tell her how much of a brat you were when we didn't let you sleep with us as a kid." Yoongi makes a 'you just did face' while everyone else laughed at the two.

"He hasn't changed mom, still as annoying as ever," Hobi says clutching his tummy laughing like crazy.

"Oops, would anyone like something else to eat?"His mom says heading over to the kitchen.

"Oh no, I'm good still full from earlier." Taehyung says rubbing his belly, "not even for the fudge ice cream the two lovebirds bought earlier?" Raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Well, maybe just one scoop." He says looking at me with that famous smile. "I swear you always eat my food. Can you at least bring me some?" You say as he feverishly gets up walking to the kitchen with Mrs.Min.

"I'm tired so I think I'll just head off to bed good night everyone," Mr.Min says and Hobi gets up too, heading to bed.

"Do you want anything sweetheart?" Yoongi's mom yells from the kitchen, he walks over to you, pulling you up. His arms tight around your waist as he smirks down at you holding the back of your neck.

"No mom I'm heading to bed." He suddenly lifts you up, swinging you over his shoulder. "Taehyung-ah you can have Y/n's scoop of ice cream she isn't feeling well." The two of you hear a small and excited yay as he carries you up the stairs.

"Hey, I wanted that ice cream. I don't know what you think is gonna happen tonight but get that shit out of your head."


"So does he do that often now?" Mrs.Min says as she walks to one of the stools in the kitchen, Tae sitting next to her. "He does but she is a really respectful person and often puts him in his place." He replies talking a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

"Taehyung honey why haven't you been coming around as of late? I last saw you almost 3 years ago."

"I-I-" She looks at him with a stern look. "Don't lie to me we both know it won't end well."

"Yoongi hyung and I kind of had a bit of a disagreement a while back and we eventually drifted apart."

"What did he do? What brings you back?" He tilts his head slightly trying to collect his thoughts. "Well, technically it's what he didn't do. He should've apologized earlier it's no big deal now. Such a stupid fight." He shakes his head mainly saying the last bit to himself. "And what brought you two back? Was is Y/n?"

"Yeah... she's done a lot for the four of us, we are extremely grateful to have her in our lives. I can tell you one thing though." He gestures for her to come closer. "He is really in love with her."

"NO WAY, he really said it to her!?"

"Well... to everyone else yeah, he didn't exactly say them to her. He just said 'I do too' when she told him for the first time."

"WHAT! That Dumpling! What am I going to do with him?"


The next morning the boys go to pick up Joon while you help Mrs.Min with breakfast.

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