Chapter 20

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You run out into the hallway ignoring him calling my name. You almost reach your office when you hear Taehyung calling your name, you look up to see his eyes filled with concern. He held your shoulders as he watched the tears streaming down your face. The soft sobs coming from your small form only seeming to get smaller as time went on, make his heartache. He pulled you into a tight hug.

"Y/n please tell me what's wro-" You felt his body tense and you just knew, you knew he saw him. You wipe the tears left on your face as you throw your arms around his waist and look up at him. His jaw is clenched and throwing daggers at the figure behind you.

Slowly you walk forward forcing Tae to walk back until the two of you reach your door and push him in telling him to sit and calm down while you handle who's on the other side of the door.

You're no longer sobbing but the tears don't stop. You turned around only to be met face to face with him again. His arms trapping you against the door on either side of your body.

"Y/n please talk to me. I didn't know it was you until I heard your voice. I signed the contract before I knew I would be working for you. Please look at me. I love you please just one glance please."

Your heart aches to hear this, he was never able to say those words to you but you felt that he did or at least hoped he did. Hell, even you yourself can barely say them to just anyone but he was and will always be different from the others. You love him but you also can't trust him. Not anymore.

"You know how I feel Yoongs, I'm the only one who was ever able to say it but I held on to hope. Hoped that you loved me too." You say looking in his eyes. He goes to say something but you hold up your hand looking toward the empty hallway that led to the meeting room.

"Now I need a photographer and from what I can remember you were the best. So as far as we are concerned business-wise you work for me. I would ask you to drop the contract but based on your actions so far I'm assuming you won't do that." You say trying to keep your voice steady but failing because... well it's him.

'I miss him'

'I love him'

"As far as we go personally, I love you, I really do. I don't think that will ever change, I think I always will but we are nothing and I refuse to get hurt by you again. I'm sure my assistant has given your manager all other paperwork needed for this to work."

You look up at him searching for anything that would tell you that you were dreaming. The look in his eyes told you otherwise.

He's... hurt?

"So if this is all, I have to go deal with my best friend, who I'm sure wants to beat the living crap out of you."

You say before opening the door closing it behind you leaving him there as you walk back to your office. You see Tae sitting on the floor bracing back on the couch.

"Hey, how are you doing?" You caustically sit next to him on the floor rubbing his arm. "Shouldn't I be asking you that..." He chuckles sarcastically turning to you pulling you towards him wrapping his arms around your shoulders resting your head on his chest.

"How are you feeling seeing him again?"

"Did you know he was back? I know you guys keep in touch and I thank you for not telling me."

"How did you know-"

"I saw his name pop up on your phone one day. I didn't want to know why so I never asked because I think if I knew how he was doing I wouldn't get over him. I don't know what I'm going to do now but-" He cuts you off laughing and you look up at him chuckling as well slightly confused.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now