Chapter 17

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Before you knew it exams came and went and it was almost December break. You turn to shield your eyes from the harsh rays coming in as you start to sit up in bed. You see him on his stomach hugging his pillow his lips in a slight pout.

You smile looking at his messy black hair as it falls over his eyes. Then looking at his small button nose tracing it down bopping it lightly. You trace over his mole on his cheek. You bite your lip while tracing his making him scrunch his nose and you chuckle deciding to get something to drink.

You hug the sheets to your chest looking around the room for something to put on. Throwing on Yoongi's shirt and one of his shorts that practically disappear under the shirt. You start getting up and heading to the bathroom.

Walking into the kitchen you put on a pot of coffee taking out 4 cups each with different initials on them. The smell starts to waft through the apartment and you smile anticipating the outcome. Not too long after you hear a few sets of feet coming closer to the kitchen.

"Morning boys. Coffee?" You say turning around leaning on the counter holding the warm cup.

Their hair is disheveled walking over to you like zombies. Hobi's hand was under his shirt scratching his chest and a red handprint on his cheek from sleeping weirdly you assume. Of course, Namjoon tripped over his foot but he luckily caught himself. Granted his eyes were barely opened and hair sticking up in weird areas. Lastly, Yoongi had no shirt on only sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips.

Grey sweatpants should be illegal at this point...

You thought as your eye trail up and down his body. Hobi and Joon take their coffee to the living room turning on the TV while Yoongi comes to stand right in front of you. His arms rest on either side of your hips pressing you further into the counter. You look up to see a wide smirk on his face, his eyes switch from yours down to your lips and back.

"Like what you see babygirl?" You smirk matching his teasing demeanor. You place your coffee beside you before jumping up onto the counter pulling him close and move your legs around his waist.

"Always." You wrap your arms around his neck playing with his hair. He groans leaning in as his hands slide further up your thighs. "Are you asking for round two? Because if you are... we both know you won't be walking." He kisses your collarbone, and slowly moves up your neck and to your jaw. His hands caress your thighs before settling on your hips pulling you closer to him. You cup his face leaning in closer to him caressing his cheek with your thumb. Your lips are inches away from each other, breaths mixing.

"Get your horny asses off my marble counters ain't nobody wanna see that," Hobi says from the couch. "Did you guys forget we can see you? It's an open concept apartment people. Off." You give him a quick peck before jumping down and joining the boys on the couch.

"How is it you are always the one to disturb us?" Yoongi asks sitting down with a huff but Hobi doesn't answer only smiling as an indication that he heard him. "Thanks for the coffee Y/n," Joon says putting his cup down on the coffee table in front of him. "No problem you guys hungry? I can make something."

"No no you've done enough we should go out to eat."

"Sounds good to me. We should get ready before the wait ends up being too long."


"Hi, may I take your- Yoongi?" The waitress says finally looking up from her notepad. "No, you may not. The fuck." You say chuckling slightly looking at her. She has long brown hair and pale skin. Her top lip is a lot thinner than her bottom, her nose is small but cute. You could tell that under all the makeup that she caked up she was one of those natural beauties.

"Who are you?"

"Does that matter?" She smiles nodding her head knowingly as she looks down for a brief moment. "You're his new flavor of the week huh? How long are you going? I lasted about 2 months and the girl before me the same. Right yoongi?" You turn to him but he is looking at his hands and you whisper, "You had two different girlfriends in one semester?"

He doesn't say anything and your gaze shifts to other boys across from you, they as well don't make eye contact and that worries you.

"Don't worry girl, I heard you lasted the longest... congrats. News travels kinda fast around here. At least when it comes to him it does. Did you sleep with him? Because if you did you'd be the first. I hope nothing reminds him to ruin it."

You look at her confused, none of the boys say anything at all. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "That doesn't make sense. What is going to ruin it?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find out soon. So may I take your order?"

"No, you can't. Um, can we get another person to do it?" She nods wishing you luck one last time before someone else comes to take your order. The rest of the morning was bizarre, the boys completely avoided the topic acting as if nothing happened.

When you get back to the apartment you pull Hobi aside trying to get something out of him. "What the hell was that back there? What was she talking about?" Hobi sighs and you can see the indecisiveness in his eyes. He knows telling you the truth would hurt you but he also knows how to be selective with it. "After Jenny, he hadn't slept with anyone until you. He would usually break up with the girl before he gets to attached."

"Okay and the reminder thing? What was all that about?" He rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact again. "That isn't something I can tell you. If he wants to tell you he will but in all honesty, I don't think it's something you have to worry about."

"Hobi that scares me. I know you are loyal and I trust that you have the best intentions when it comes to me but I just- I can't- Ugh." He pulls you into a hug reassuring you that it will all be okay. You desperately want to believe him but there is just something at the pit of your stomach telling you something isn't right.


For the rest of the afternoon, it was just one of those lazy days. Taehyung came over and you guys ordered takeout and drank a bit. I'm not sure how a bunch of RomComs was played but it sure entertaining.

"Dude go kiss her. Fucking idiot." Hoseok says yelling at the TV. "He's a fucking idiot you know that right."

"Yes, Hobi we know. Aren't you tired yet?"

"No!" He gets up and starts to walk in a drunken haze to his room. "He's sooooo wasted heheh."

"Joon do you need help with those two?" Yoongi says helping Taehyung get to his feet. "I'll go check on Hobi. Just follow me it will be hard getting them to sleep. Yoongi nods asking you to turn off the TV and taking his phone to the room.

"I swear we are never letting them drink again." He says walking into the room and over to his dresser grabbing some close to change into before heading to the bathroom. "You know you could have changed in here. It's nothing I haven't seen before." You say laughing. "Shut up I had to pee."

Suddenly his phone started to go off and you pick it up to snooze it but what you see breaks your heart. Then everything just clicks and you're pissed you just can't even function right now. You don't know if it's the alcohol in your system or what but you can only see red.

Next time on 'Photographer'... 

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now