Chapter 11

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You woke up early that morning, the sun beaming in through the curtains giving you a less than pleasant wake-up call. You feel a heavy arm wrapped around your waist and you turn to face him only to realize he's wide awake.

"Good morning," Yoongi's low raspy morning voice sends a wave of shivers up and down your spine.

"How long have you been up?" You brush away his hair from his eyes and give him a bright smile. "Not long. Did you sleep well?" You nod moving closer resting your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. "You look dam good in my shirt." He says kissing your forehead, you love the way he makes you feel as you melt even further into him.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Um, are you going back home for Thanksgiving break?"

"No, it costs too much to only go for a week. Why?" You move your head so you can see his face properly. "I wanted to know if you would be willing to spend it with me... and my parents." You sit up slightly resting on your elbows surprised as you look at him.

"You want me to meet your family?" He nods worried you'll say no but hoping you'd want to get to know him more through his family and hometown. You jump on him hugging him as tight as you can, moving to kiss all over his face.

"Yes-yes-yes- I would love your meet your parents." He laughs hugging you back as he rolls you over to rest his head on your stomach and it becomes silent for a while as you play with his hair.

"What about Christmas?"

"Well, I would be back home then. The semester ends and I miss my mom." He turns his head so his chin is on your stomach now. "Stay." You look down at him. "Yoongs I- I can't- the job I have now is only during school hours, I also won't have a place to stay. I'll be back as early as I can I promise."

Stay with me...

He purses his lips and moves up to hover over you and makes you pinky promise. You glance at the clock on his desk which reads 6:30 am. "Holy shit I have to go, I have work. I have to take a shower and change." You say pushing him off you, catching him off guard, but he is quick to respond pulling you down onto him trapping you against him.

"Oh no no no you are not going anywhere." He says rolling you over intertwining your fingers and raising them above your head. "Yoongi what are you doing? I'm going to be late for work!!" You say laughing as he kisses you cutting you off in the process.

He runs his tongue over your bottom lip and you let him in. His hands let go of yours as one hand supports his weight, while the other moves down gripping onto your shirt pulling it up slowly and off you. His kisses start to trail down your neck as your breathing becomes more ragged and heavy.

"Yoongi I have work plea-"

You gasp searching for any air you can get as his one hand slips down giving you no warning as he slid two fingers into you. His pace starts slow, you move slightly trying to get some more friction. He suddenly picks up the pace making you arch your back moaning uncontrollably as he shifts kissing your neck, then your jaw just behind your ear.

"I'm in change babygirl-" He mumbles against your neck "-and I'm going to make sure you regret leaving for work." He bites your ear whispering before stopping all movements. You try to catch your breath closing your eyes and raising your hands to grip the sides of your hair.

Not expecting anything else you feel him settle himself between your legs, he moans as he pushes himself in with ease. You throw your head back moaning as you raise your hips giving him more access, earning a low groan.

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