Chapter 3

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It was currently 7 am Friday morning and you're at work getting ready to open the cafe and Tae is begging you to give him free food. "But whyyy... no one ever buys those-" he points to the apple cinnamon muffins. "-look how many there are~"

"Those were just made Tae, of course, there are so many." He sighs shaking his head after the puppy dog eyes don't work.

"Here is your iced tea, go to class. You can't be here all day I have to open now."

"Ugh fine. What time do you get off?"

"2...but don't you have class then?"

"Class gets out at 2:30, wait for me okay?" He says walking to the door, you wave at him and set things up to get ready to open.

"So what's up with you and him?" Your coworker Jae asks you as she wiped down some tables. "I'm sorry? I'm not sure what you're getting at." You roll your eyes scoffing at her.

"I mean he is only here during your shifts, and I only ever see him talking to you-" she hesitates a little almost unsure if she should continue to push the subject "-I guess what I'm asking is... are you and him a thing?" She makes sure to emphasize the last word.

"No, we're just friends"

"Well in that case..." she says in a suggestive tone.


"Excuse me?" She laughs slightly in disbelief, her eyes wide.

"If he wants to 'get to know you' then he will come find you. You haven't spoken 2 words to me before and you want me to do something for you?" You walk to the door unlocking it and flipping the sign to open. "He's always alone just so you know, I would be careful if I were you."

"But you're not me. And who are you? Huh, you just asked me to hook you up with him... and now you're telling me to be careful?"

The conversation ended there and you don't expect her to ever talk to you again after this. Just one of the reasons your not friends with girls, they always just end up wanting something from you just because of who you're friends with.


As your shift was ending you made yourself an iced coffee and bought an orange for later. You looked at the apple cinnamon muffin Tae wanted and ended up getting it for him anyway.

I hope he appreciates this...

You thought as you clocked out for the day and taking a seat on one of the tables outside. Pulling out your sketchbook for class assignments from your bag.

You look over the work you already started on the assignment. Looking at the reference picture you took you added more detail to it...when you started having a sneezing fit.

Mid-sneeze you hear a camera shutter noise, while looking around to see where it came from, you see a man with a wide smile on his face but the more you look, you see him laughing at his camera which just so happened to be pointing directly at you.

Mid-sneeze you hear a camera shutter noise, while looking around to see where it came from, you see a man with a wide smile on his face but the more you look, you see him laughing at his camera which just so happened to be pointing directly at you

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Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now