Chapter 38

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Friday, June 12, 10:00 am

You scan the room as you walk on the flowers laid about, arm and arm with Yoongi -who is smiling proudly at all your friends and family. You take a deep breath as the end of the isle nears and you two separate. Yoongi standing next to Namjoon and you stand next to Aria's other bridesmaids.

You can tell how nervous Namjoon is as he is constantly trying to wipe his sweaty palms on his nice black suit. You send him a quick thumbs up and motioning him to try taking deep breaths but it was futile as the wedding song started to play.

The doors of the venue opened and Aria made her way down the stairs with her mom and inched closer to him. Aria wore a beautiful white, lace Vera Wang wedding dress that huggers her curves perfectly.

Although ria insisted on wearing one of your dresses you knew her too well. Your dresses were a bit too flashy for her and more on the heavier side. She likes the practical, simple but elegant look and that is what she got on her day.

You glanced at Joon only to see him trying to smile through the tears that decorated his face

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You glanced at Joon only to see him trying to smile through the tears that decorated his face. When she finally reached him she took his hand and handed you her bouquet of flowers. Aria let out a slight chuckle as she whipped his tears, her own threatening to fall the longer she stood in front of him.

You look just behind Namjoon to see Yoongi looking right back at you sending you a wink making your cheeks heat up. The ceremony wasn't too long at all and the guests and the newlywed couple headed inside for the real fun.


The night seemed to fly by, and people started to make speeches. Namjoon stood up and clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. In his mind, it seemed safer than a knife and a glass. Which anyone that knew him knows it is. The mic is soon passed to him and he clears his throat.

"How is everyone's night going so far?" There were many sounds of excitement going around the room. "Good, I'm glad. I just wanted to say a few words about my beautiful bride. Well, first things first I love you."

He looked down at her and smiled, Aria returned one with a quiet 'I love you too'. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"When we first... met? -Or when I first saw her really, I knew I wanted her but I especially knew that if Y/n brought someone around, then we are to back off. As much as I needed to stay away, it was even harder to deny that she is my person.

I never believed in love at first sight but with Aria, I just knew. I needed to know her because she made me feel something I never had. She is the one that will always have my heart. To Us. Cheers"

He takes a seat and leans over giving Aria a sweet kiss on the lips as everyone shows their support. When they pull away she takes the mic from him and smiles.

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