Chapter 32

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You walk up to the two of them with a smile. You honestly got tired of trying to eavesdrop because 1 you were too far to hear anything and 2 there wasn't anywhere to hide.

"Hi, Mrs.Song." You shake her hand and glance between her and Yoongi.

"It's lovely to see you two again and please call me Rae. Yoongi and I were just talking about what his job is seeing as he doesn't have his camera with him."

"Oh, you came such a far way to find that out. Speaking of which... why did you come all this way?"

"First look at the clothes for the fall line... how could I pass that up? I've been following your career for some time now." She smiles at you genuinely. She has been your go-to journalist since you started your line in college she 'discovered you' I guess you could say.

"Maybe since you are the boss, you can tell me about his job here."

You give her an apprehensive smile as she shifts her gaze from Yoongi to yourself giving both of you a knowing look. It wasn't long until you feel a hand in yours, locking fingers. You feel your cheeks heat up as you quickly look down at your hands then up at Yoongi.

"I came as her support and to finally meet her mother, who is lovely by the way."

"Oh? And why is that?" Her knowing smirk becomes quite apparent which brings a slight blush to your face.

"Because-" He pauses looking at you, giving you a warm smile as his eyes trail over your face. He snakes his arm around your waist pulling you closer to his side. "-I'm her boyfriend and at some point, I must meet her family right?"

"Yoongs what are you doing? I thought-" He rips his gaze away from you looking back at Rae, cutting you off in the process. "If you want a full interview we can schedule something when we get back to Korea but for now I think this event has ended."

She nods congratulating you on the success of your fall line seeing that the majority of the inventory has sold out. "Okay, Yoongs... we have some things to talk about."


Wednesday, November 1st, 11:00 am

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean it's only one person who knows." You say as you stare up at the tall building. It's been about a little over a week since the show and Yoongi set this interview up immediately. God knows why.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's about time we do this. It's not like it's a new relationship... it's a continuation of one." He says dragging you towards the door with Aria being pulled along as you tightly held her hand for support.

"Yoongi please slow down."

"I'm sorry, I just-" He sighs pressing the up elevator button before turning around to face you. "-It's just while we were in New York I never struggled with us as much as I did then. With being open about us and holding your hand. I finally understood why you wanted to be public. I'm sorry... again."

"Yoongs, stop apologizing we are in a good place. Now, let's tell Rae the truth. I mean it's not like we lied the first time... we just... carefully bent the truth."

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