Chapter 34

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"Doctor Jung to Cardiac. Doctor Jung to Cardiac."

As Hoseok makes his way to the surgical unit of the peds unit, -accompanied by two of his interns- he is handed a chart of an expecting mother. He walks up to the door and knocks before entering.

"Hello hello, how is everything going today? Dr.Choi hello."

"Dr.Jung, this is Kim Sora she has been briefed on her situation. She is 7 months pregnant and she's in for emergency open-heart surgery. She came in for her routine physical this morning and we found that she has an ascending aortic aneurysm. If that vein burst she and that life she is carrying will not survive."

Hoseok looks down at her chart making sure her vitals are stable. It's that much riskier now that she is carrying. Her heart has to work twice as hard and that's not good for her current situation.

"Wow okay. Well Ms.Kim, I'm not sure if Dr.Choi told you why I'm here just yet-"

"He said you will be monitoring the baby and possible have to deliver if anything goes wrong."

"Yes, I will make sure your baby's vitals are stable and if the stress of your surgery becomes overwhelming then we will have to take action. You are only 7 months pregnant so that means your baby will be a preemie, is there anyone that can help you after surgery?"

"My mom should be here in a few."

"Okay, that's good. We will get you prepped and ready for surgery. We'll see you in a few okay?"

She nods and Minho and Hoseok walk out of the room, heading over the operation room. At work, it is no secret that the two are dating but they still find that it's very important to still be professional. Although many are aware of them there will always be a few of the older generations that don't see it as okay.

Hoseok fought very hard to get to the status he is currently, he is the head of peds surgery a position which he has been passed up for, numerous times. He never hid his sexuality and he never wanted to, he has only wished that he was taken for his work in the field not who he dates.

The new chief of surgery is a lot more open than the previous, having a son who taught him how to accept all. The chief also appointed Minho head of Cardiac simply because he was the best. Minho's experience was a little different than Hoseok's.

He worked for Doctors without Borders for a while after being a Trauma Doctor in the army. He never saw the prejudices because there was no need to be picky when a life needed to be saved. Minho arrived about 2 months after the new chief was appointed.

While they wash up before surgery they see Sora being wheeled into the operating room. As Hoseok washes off the soap on his arms he turns to Minho who is still soaping up.

"Be honest... how do you see this playing out?"

"Well, I see a 7-month-old preemie fighting for his life while the mother recovers from open-heart surgery."

"Yeah... So far the baby is in good health but anything can happen. Now let's get in there."

They walk into the sterile environment putting on their masks, gloves, and coats. The anesthesiologist put her under and Hoseok sits by a monitor that has the baby's vitals on it.

"It's a beautiful day to save lives..."


"Welcome back Ms.Kim. How are we feeling?" Minho says taking her blood pressure and pulse.

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