Chapter 39

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You wake up to loud pounding on your hotel door, way too early in the morning. You groan turning around in the vice that is Yoongi's arms.

"Yoongs can you please get that. I'm not exactly decent."

"Put on my shirt and get it."

You press yourself further into his chest, wrapping a leg around his waist and running your hand across his chest and around to his back. You hear a low growl, his chest vibration against yours.

"yoongi baby..." You whisper gently as your kiss up his chest and up his collarbone settling on his neck. You nip at the hickey you left last night making it darker and you can suddenly feel his tip poke against your core.

"UhG Y/n... p-please-"

The knocking can be heard once again along with a very familiar voice.

"Guys open up, I'm freaking out here."

Yoongi reluctantly pulls away from you, slipping out of bed grabbing his boxers that were thrown across the room.

You ask him to throw you his dress shirt that happens to be conveniently placed near the door. You quickly get dressed throwing on some underwear before he opens the door.

"KiM TaehYuNG this better be good or you are D.E.A.D dead!"

Taehyung completely ignores Yoongi, walking straight into the room taking a seat on the edge of your bed. He looks somewhat spaced out and you crawl over to him.

"Tae sweetly, are you okay?"

"Alcohol does wonders to people you know. For example, me. Jungkook asked me out and I said yes."

"So... the problem is-"


Yoongi finally closed the door slightly dumbfounded. He walks over to the bed getting back under the covers trying to get some sleep. You hold Taehyung's hands hoping to calm him down.

"Listen to me okay. Jungkook has been flirting with you for over a year and you for some reason have ignored it... for a year. How could you have not picked up on it?" You tilt your head shaking it slightly as you stare and your best friend somewhat surprised.

"I only realized he was flirting with me a couple of months after we first met him when he filled in again for you."

"Wow Tae, he wasn't filling in for anyone. I fired my photographer because Kook asked if I could find him a job but I insisted on him working for me again. I gave him a job mainly for you but he is a great artist."

"So why didn't he stay on full time?"

"He was going to but he had no contract at the time and it was temporary until he found a permanent one... which he did and then Yoongi happened."

Tae sighs putting his head in his hands before looking back up at you. "I knew he was a flirt but I thought he did that with everyone. I mean I was willing to wait until he asked me out but he never did."

"You could have asked him out one and two, you have obviously been waiting for this so just be yourself okay. He likes you for you so, relax for the rest of the day and we can help you get ready for your date."


"Yes Yoongi, you and I will help your nervous best friend get ready for his first date with a guy that he has been secretly pining for."

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