Chapter 4

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You freeze when you feel a hand on the small of your back. You quickly turn around and he steps back slightly. "Two times in one day, I must be a really lucky guy." He smirks and you sit back on the edge of the pool table. You don't mind a little harmless flirting so why not play along.

Should I apologize for the orange?

"Oh yeah? And what does that make me? Do I get lucky too?" You bite your bottom lip slowly smiling up at him

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"Oh yeah? And what does that make me? Do I get lucky too?" You bite your bottom lip slowly smiling up at him.

He moves closer moving in between your legs, trapping you in as he moves his hands, settling next to your hips. You tilt your head to the side trying to put some space between your faces.

"If you'd like to." He smirks and you give him a flirty smile but the trance you two seem to be in breaks when someone clears their throat from behind. You turn and see Tae looking at you guys, his lips pulled into a thin line.

"Uh...are we still playing the game or are you gonna get a room instead?"

You turn back around and push on his chest lightly as you get off the table, but he doesn't hesitate to loop his arm around your back keeping eye contact as he pulls you closer to his chest. He reaches to take your phone out from your back pocket.

He gives you his phone in return telling you to put your number in his phone as he does the same. Trading back you look down at your phone.

'Yoongi 😏'

"See you around Yoongi." He bits his lip as he backs up slowly before turning around and walking away. Not long after your phone lights up as you watch his figure getting further away.


Yoongi 😏-

Tomorrow, 7 pm

Y/n 😉-

You don't waste time, do you?

Yeah well, go for what I want.

Ha okay... I respect that.
I live at the butterfly building
Don't be late, it's not cute.

See you then 😉



*Taehyung's POV*

"I hate having no context for dates. Like what the fucking am I supposed to wear!" I watch as she roughly moves her clothes around. "Just wear something nice." I shrug as I watch her freak out over her outfits.

"Yeah okay! That's easy-" she said turning to face the closet one hand on her hip. "-Nice as in a summer dress or sexy? Nice as in jeans and a cute top or comfortable but still cute? I have nothing to wear!!"

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now