Chapter 26

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"Alright, babe I'll be back later tonight okay. Try not to be a couch potato." You roll your eyes at him walking over to the couch plopping yourself down. "Yoongi it's dinner with your parents. It's not like you are going out of the country."

"Yeah but-"

"Okay, I think we got everything settled." Yoongi's parents emerge from the hall with their suitcases. You walk over to them helping them place it by the door, "Now take care sweetie. Don't let Yoongi eat all the food, make sure he does some work around here and more importantly... try to keep it professional around the workplace. You never know who's watching."

"Trust me, mom, I try but it seems he doesn't know how to do any of those things."

"You guys get along way too well, it's kind of scary," Yoongi says shaking his head before you switch over to his dad, giving him a tight hug.

He cups your face smiling at you as he whispers, "I want grandchildren by the time we see you in a couple of weeks.

"What- we aren't even engaged. Hell, we haven't even been together that long dad."

"But you have and I can't imagine seeing either of you with anyone else. We love you and want the best for you so don't be afraid to fight for him okay."

You take a deep breath trying to hold back your tears as you giving him another hug resting your head on his chest. He chuckles kissing the top of your head, he has been so good to you over the years. He has supported you so much with your career as a dad should and you are so grateful for him. He would call now and then just to ask if you ate anything for the day.

Even when your mother came to visit you a couple of months back she was so happy that you have a father figure that cares so much. She loved that even though you weren't with their son they still cared for you so much, and without Yoongi here you became the new target of their jokes.

Now that's a scary friendship...

"I love you." You say looking back at him the tears finally coming down. "I love you too darling."

"Oh, what did you do this time? You didn't step on her foot again right?" Yoongi's mom said pulling you away from him examining your face. "No, he did I was just saying how much I love you guys."

"Oh don't make me cry, oh come here. Yoongi if you don't cherish her I will kick your butt."

"Yes, mother I will don't you worry."

"You guys should get going you don't want to be late for the reservations. The other boys might be wondering where you are." You wish them a safe trip back and you kiss Yoongi goodbye as you make your way back to the couch waiting for Aria and Minho to arrive.


"It's nice to see you boys back in one place. How are you all getting on?" Yoongi's mom asks as she reaches for her water.

The boys share glances no one volunteering to break the silence. The past couple of weeks have been weird Joon, and Hobi hasn't talked to Yoongi since the whole argument thing. The boys have also tried to hide it from the two elders currently giving them scriptural looks.

"Boys, what are we missing?"

"Nothing... it's just we haven't sat down and talked in a while that's all." Taehyung says truthfully earning a nudge from Namjoon.

"But you two work together, you and Y/n are joined at the hip and you two treat her like a younger sister that you are way too protective over, by the way. Now tell me again why you all haven't seen each other?" Yoongi's mom says pointing a skeptical finger at all of them.

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