Chapter 12

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Three days later and you're surrounded by tulle all different shades of blue some gray and black. You feel like you'll be dreaming about tulle for the next few months and quite frankly Yoongi isn't helping your stress levels. You're currently at his place because he has more space to work, on the floor practically pulling out your hair.

He's on his bed scrolling through his phone and can't stop talking about how he can't wait to surprise you with the perfect location.

"Babe, do you know what the dress will be or what it would look like? I just wanna get an idea of where exactly to shoot since I have a few locations in mind. Oh, and do you know what time of day would be better for you? Like does this outfit need to be in the morning or at-" He rambles on looking at his phone never once taking a breath or looking down at you.

"YOONGI SHUT UP!!!" He jumps slightly finally looking at your distressed state.

"I'm sorry... look the answer to all those questions is no. I'm super stressed and have no vision of the dress in my mind and you asking me all these questions and telling me that you know exactly what you want makes me want to cry."

You take a deep breath in trying to calm yourself before you actually do start to bawl your eyes out. You start putting all the fabric in the bag next to you when he says:

"I'm sorry I didn't realize... I can handle finding a model if you'd like..."

"WE HAVE TO GET A MODEL!!!!!!" He gets off the bed and runs to you trying to calm you're shaking form. "Shhh Y/n everything will be okay I promise. You will get inspiration sooner or later and that pretty little head of yours won't be able to spit them out fast enough." He rubs your back soothing you as the tears slowly stop.

"But you don't get it you, just have to press a button at an angle and you get a perfect shot," You say without thinking about the way it comes across, but you soon feel him tense up and his grip around you loosens eventually pulling away altogether. You look up at him shocked, eyes wide meanwhile he couldn't look at you as he gets up walking out of the room. You quickly run after him and grab his arm.

"Yoongi please I'm so sorry I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it, babe-"

He gently pulls your hand off his arm cutting you off in the process. "Don't just go please." His voice barely a whisper and breathless looking away from you as he says it. "I-I'm not leaving it like this."

"You just insulted everything that I wanted to do with my life and claim you didn't mean it? Sure you're stressed out and maybe it came out wrong but I can't help but think that's how you always felt so please just leave."

"I never thought that, not once, I support you just as much as you support me. I'm truly sorry."

"Just leave NOW!" You're in tears at this point as you back away from him walking to the door your back to him and just before you walk out you feel his hand on your arm.

"I didn't mean to yell, I- I just-" You don't turn around to look at him as you pull your hand from his as you say your last 'sorry' before walking out. You know he needs to cool off and you know you hurt him, you just don't know how to make it up to him.

You get back to your dorm eyes red and puffy and you see Tae on your computer so you turn off the lights and he looks at you. You try to sound calm and hide your face. "Tae can you please leave for a little I want to be alone if you don't mind."

"Y/n happened? Have you been crying? Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me." He cups your face examining every part looking for answers to his questions. You hug him really tight crying into his shirt and he hugs you back holding you close trying to keep you from falling.

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