Chapter 16

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You woke up to something poking you and it got harder as time grew on. As your eyes opened and adjusted to the sudden bright light and haze of the early morning you see a face right above yours. When Yoongi's face came into view you were ready to snap at him for waking you up so early but instead, his beautiful smile washed away the tiredness.

"Morning babe~." He sings and you chuckle at his adorable way of trying to appease your morning anger. "Why were you poking my cheek? It hurt you know." You start to sit up while rubbing your cheek. He gives you a quick peck on the lips, "Go get ready I made you some coffee."

You yawn stretching slightly, "You know the coffee will help with that so hurry up." You head to the kitchen after your shower, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the light chatter puts a smile on your face. Just thinking about all the things that have made you extremely happy these past few months.

"Morning boys." Taking a seat on the kitchen isle you grab the cup Taehyung shifted in your direction. "We drew straws to see who would wake you. I just thought you should know."

You are that person who is never to be woken up at any time of the day. You might be a nice person the majority of the time but unless someone wanted their hand to get bitten off, it's best to just let you sleep. One thing everyone knows or at least should learn is that coffee will always quell the anger... most of the time.

"Well good morning to you too... I'm not that difficult to wake up." There was silence in the room before the sudden outburst made you flinch. "You are just as difficult maybe even more difficult to wake up than your boyfriend over here," Hoseok says pointing at the man sitting across from him.

"Why do you think no one bothers him anymore? He has multiple alarms that he can get pissed at nowadays." He purses his lips which highlights his cheekbones and the little dimples at the sides of his mouth. Yoongi perks up a bit when he sees Hoseok kind of talking to- well talking about him so he decides to push his luck. "Hobi do you think you and Taehyung or maybe even Joon, could do some shopping for the week?"

"Yeah sure no problem, I'm assuming you want to show Y/n around the small town rig-" You launch yourself at him coffee cup tipping over slipping on the counter, the two of you landing on the hard ground with a bang.

"Y/n that hurtttt. What did I do to deserve this?" Wrapping your arms tight around his chest, legs around his waist and head rested nicely on his chest squeezing the life out of him as he tries to find a way to hug you back. Less force of course.

"She's a bit moody this week, you should be happy she isn't crying her eyes out or cursing you out. She tackled you because you finally talked to Mr.Grumpy over there so... Mrs.Grumpy felt the need to show you how much she loves you for it." Taehyung says still sitting comfy on his chair occasionally drinking his tea while everyone else surrounded the two of you on the floor attempting to pull you off him.


"Most people around here keep to themselves but are usually friendly," Yoongi says as we walk around exploring all the shops while the others do some grocery shopping. It's a tiny town, besides the three other homes that surround Tae's grandparents' the next few are about 2-3 miles away. They are all separated by some trees but collectively surround the town where everyone knows everyone.

Now as lovely as that is you aren't too fond people knowing your business at any given point in time but it is nice to pass by a store and have someone call you by name. You used to go to this deli every day back home to get breakfast before school, now they didn't know your name but they did know your order. It made you feel like you weren't just passing by in life, so the appeal to someplace 'where everyone knows your name' is a lovely concept... the quiet drives you insane.

"Let's go in here." He pulls your arm and you barely can catch a glimpse of the 'Don't drink too much' liquor store.

"Yoongi~ Welcome back, it's been way too long my dear boy. How are the other boys doing?"

"They're great, thank you. I sent them food shopping. How have you been Mr.Hsi?" He says hugging the older man.

"I'm the same, I've always been but I see something is different to your boys week. Who is this beautiful young lady?" I bow and he shakes his head giving me a big bear hug. "We are all family around here, no need for that."

You chuckle slightly before pulling away introducing yourself. "This is my girlfriend... sir," Yoongi says holding my hand and giving me a quick peck on the cheek, which in return heats up your cheeks dusting it with a light shade of pink. Your phone suddenly went off, you see it's your mom and step out to take the call.

Yoongi watches you walk out and goes to pay for the drinks, taking out his wallet handing Mr.Hsi the money. "Have you told her yet? I see the way you look at her Yoongs and we both know that you never brought a single girl here before in all of the 5 plus years I've known you."

"I will but it's not like she doesn't know how I feel. I mean everyone and their mothers have told her."

"But you my boy, haven't yet." He packs a bag then comes around the counter and taps him on the shoulder. "Trust me Yoongi, if you don't tell her soon you will lose her and it will be hard trying to get her back."


"Oh come one Tae, you can not tell me that there isn't a single person you had even the slightest feeling for."

"Not enough to go for it. Especially not when these three are my best friends I mean look at them." He gestures to the others as he takes another sip of his drink. "Tae you're hot. Trust me when I first saw you all sensibility flew straight out the window and coupled with that voice of yours... I mean wow really. I'm sure any girl would have said yes if you asked." He purses his lips trying not to smile widely as his cheeks turn an even darker shade of red than it had been previously from the alcohol.

"Thanks, Y/n." He gives you a bright smile that just warms your heart. "Okay, now I feel left out... your supposed to dating me~~" Shrugging you wrap an arm around Taehuyng's shoulders "I don't know what to tell you, babe, he's my best friends and I love him." You say pinching his cheek baby-talking the last bit.

"I love you too but I would love you a lot more if you stop squeezing my cheeks so hard." Rubbing his cheek he looks at Yoongi whose head is hanging low.

Taehyung takes notice thinking it could be about the whole love convo. He knows that all the elder has been hearing is how he will lose someone so dear. Knowing Yoongi has been through a lot these past few months from trying to be better for himself and learning what real love is like. He also knows that having to hear his girlfriend tell someone else that she loves them so easily can be hard... it is hard and he's never seen his friend in such turmoil.

"Okay, this silence thing... yeah it's getting a bit depressing lets drink." He says raising his cup in the air, everyone else eventually joining in. The rest of the night was filled with drunken talks, obnoxious laughing, and way too loud snores but it was one of the best nights of either of the five ever had in a really long time.

Next time on 'Photographer'...

"I heard you lasted the longest... congrats."

💕Happy Birthday Park Jimin💕


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