Chapter 27

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Tuesday, September 6th, 10:00 am

"Good morning everyone. Please sit." You say as you walk into the meeting room. Aria is seated next to you. There are 2 older men and 1 older woman. They never look thrilled when they see you but today more so than ever before.

"Shall we start?" The woman says glancing over at the men then at you. Nodding your head you take out your notebook and schedule.

"We were talking for a bit before you came in and as usual we are happy with your work. You have paid us off and given us interest that wasn't necessary but showed you valued us."

One man said before urging the other to continue. He clears his throat leaning toward you on the table as your attention switches.

"We don't see the need to continue being a part of the board. We have stopped giving you money and we are curious as to why you've kept us on."

"Well you are all amazing businessmen and women and I do trust and value your advice. Each of you is skilled in areas I am not."

You shift in your seat wary of the uncertainty in their faces and you get even more nervous as they start to whisper to themselves.

"It's true you haven't invested any more money but I still continue to pay you a sum. I would like it if you stay on as business advisers."

"We like your work ethic Y/n and we would love to stay on but what you pay us is frankly too much. You are far too young to know better. You are very lucky that we are your advisors because others would love to live off the money you pay us. You will pay us only when you need us."

One of the older men says making a point to say basically watch who you trust and choose to work with. He continues by saying:

"From now on, you can call us when you need us but we do urge you to think about our last conversation."

"Showing commitment in your personal life will help. Everyone in this building knows you aren't cold but the public thinks you can be. They can't help but feel you are stuck up. Go out, date, if you already have someone then seriously think about settling down."

The woman says and they all get up heading to the door. You follow them out as well. She turns to you one last time before walking into the elevator.

"Sadly for us being an eligible bachelorette isn't in the cards. Men get all the perks but women are the ones leading. Take the leap darling, you are very bright so follow your heart. In my opinion that cute new photographer seems like a good choice. Just think about it, please?"

The elevator doors close leaving you and Aria to fully process what happened. "So they don't want to be paid as much anymore and they want me to date and or get married." She nods trying to fully grasp exactly what they were asking. Although you expected to hear about marriage from one of the older stuffy men but not from her.

"It's exactly and nothing like I expected to hear," Aria says still staring at the closed doors.

Thinking about being married to Yoongi was something that you felt was always going to happen. You honestly gave up on that as the years went by, but as much as you love him there is still a part of you that is skeptical. You want to trust him but you just don't know how to anymore.

"Yeah... uh, let's um, see what the design department is doing."

2:55 pm

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