Chapter 19

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*3 Year Later*

Friday, August 8 1:30 pm

"I want you to make an appointment with Mr.Kim before returning to work. If he feels that you are still not better in the time frame he gives you then it's out of my hands. You will only return when he signs off an okay." You told the model working for you. "Thank you so much I really appreciate this. You have no idea." You nod your head.

"I want you to understand the severity of these types of situations. I do not give 3 chances this is your second one if you relapse your contract will be revoked. I want my models to be healthy and not worrying about getting a job. Now go see Mr.Kim's assistant he will set up the next available time. I need you to heal and take care of yourself first, your job will be here when you are better."

"I understand thank you." She stands up and bows before making her way out. You go back to some paperwork when your assistant walks in. She bows before standing in front of your desk.

"Hi Y/n I heard back from that photographer's manager he said that Mr. Jeon just booked a job a few days before we called but he has another client that is amazing and is interested in the job. I looked him up and I heard from others that this guy has taken a break from shooting people and freelanced for a while but has decided to return to fashion shoots."

"Oh, that's too bad. Did you give this other photographer the contract? Do you know what changed his mind?" You say standing up and walking over to the couch and ask her to sit with you.

"No, I'm not sure what happened with that but he was given the contract and we will meet up with him around 4 to talk over any concerns he has. So make sure Tae doesn't take up so much of your time... Ms.L/n." You laugh at her attempt to be professional.

"I won't, or at least I will try you know how he is. Anyway, I forgot to ask what his name was." You say walking over to your desk to get your phone and bag. "Oh, right his name is Mi-"

"The bestest best friend in the whole wide world is here. Please hold the applause." Tae says walking into your office and you wonder if knocking was still a thing anymore these days.

"Are you ready to go?" He nods, giving you a bright smile, and you turn to your assistant just before you leave.

"Oh and Aria I'll just get his name when we meet him later okay. Make sure you eat and call me around 3 so I start to head back alright?" She nods and follows you out of your office and over to her desk.


*Yoongi's POV*

"I got you a job she is a designer and has been very successful in the past few years. She makes her terms very clear and most definitely has the ability to make or break a person's career if she'd like. Now I know you are well known for your scenery shots but not many know about the editorial and casual shots you used to take. She can take you there if you'd like." My manager says. I nod my head taking in all the information he spewed at me.

"What are her terms?"

"Well, she is pretty straightforward with it. You are given a 3-5 month contract and at any point during those months you want out, she will give it to you. If you like working with her, she will extend your contract up to a certain period, of your choosing up to a year." He says and I nod my head satisfied with everything so far.

"Okay, do you know why its 3-5 months and why she is willing to let people go like that?" I ask curiously about her thought process.

"Something about people having commitment issues and not wanting to go through the headache of a whole legal battle of letting someone out of a contract." My eyes widen, eyebrows raised slightly shocked that, that was the reason.

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