Chapter 35

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"I'll have an Iced Americano."

"I'll have an Iced coffee with milk and sugar."

You and Aria decided to have a little girls' day since it's been hard to after everything that has happened in the past year or so. You can tell that Aria is a little anxious but you can't really figure out why. For the past week, she has been a little jumpier and on edge.

"Aria? Are you okay?"

"Yeah... why?"

"You just seem a bit -what's the word- umm"

"Paranoid? Yeah well, I think Joonie is going to propose." She says with a wide smile, placing her hands on her cheeks to hide the blush.

"No way! How do you figure?"

"Well for about a month now we have been- well he has been more into the stupid romantic proposals movies. I'm pretty sure I caught him watching one of those flash mob things."

You watch as she tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear as she looks down at her hands. She shakes her head a few times before looking back at you panicked.

"I hate surprises and he's always loved them. We've talked about our future more often lately and he's always said he likes the over-exaggerated proposals."

"At least you will be prepared when it happens right?" She gives you a weak smile and you stretch out your hand to hold hers. "Hey- do you want to be married? Is that why you are so anxious because you aren't sure?"

"No of course not. I want to be married to him it's just the anticipation of it you know? I just wish he was a little more subtle about it."

"Well, let's go shopping and get your mind off your possible engagement. Sound good." She chuckles nodding her head. "Yeah, that sounds just fine... I hope he picks out a ring I actually like."


Their relationship is so pure and natural. When they first met, each of them was at two different places in their lives. Aria was still new to the guys, you met her your freshman year which was her junior year of college back in New York.

She moved to Korea 2 years later after she finished school and really helped you build your clothing line, business, and public image. She worked for you and with you on so many projects. She majored in business with a minor in public relations.

She might be your 'assistant' but she does so much more than that. She always said she just wanted to be in the background. The two of you work together to run the modeling agency. You do some of the interviews because you knew what you wanted in that aspect but Aria ran the risk and reward side.

After Tae did the evaluations the three of you would sit down to talk about who gets hired. She mainly runs the business part of your company whereas you do the designing and research for potential artists and interns to work with. You owe a lot to her.

She only met Taehyung considering just how much he was at your dorm, so when you introduced her to the other boys you thought it would be just as easy. Namjoon and Hoseok were still in Med school and just wanted to blow off steam and party all the time. She only met them two times before you begged her to get to know them better and keep in mind, that was about a year's worth of convincing.

Aria was a couple of months younger than Namjoon but she knew what she wanted and where her career was headed. Joon, on the other hand, was still in his 'fuck shit up' phase. Good thing he has a high tolerance because being in med school with constant hangovers and an 8 am class the next day... that just seems impossible.

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