Chapter 5

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"Here is your order. Have a nice day...Hi, how can I help—you?" You can't help but just stare at the customer in front of you. You haven't seen him in a while and you aren't sure why he's here. Since you've been working here this would be the first time.

"Hey um sorry I haven't called or talked to you in a few days. I was just dealing with some things." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Coffee? Tea? Food? What can I get for you today?"

"Are you mad?" He asks with a sad smile.

"No Yoongi, but I'm at work and the guy behind you looks like he wants to punch you in the face." You whisper, he turns around and smiles and nods at the guy before facing you again.

"Large coffee black."

"Okay, will that be all?"

"I-" he gets cut off by Tae pushing his way in the front. You look at him shocked, "Y/n!!!"

"Tae that's so rude. You can't just do that." Eyes wide, lips pursed trying to yell at him indirectly. "What he doesn't mind. Anyway, when do you get off? I'm hungry."

"An hour, just go back to your room I'll text you when I'm done," You say trying to get him to leave before you get yelled at. "Uh, can I go to yours? It's less messy." He says giving me his winning smile.

"Fine but don't look through my stuff or mess up anything." You hand him your keys.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I heard all that before." He grabs your keys giving you a big smile. "Now go I'm busy." He walks out of the cafe and you look back at Yoongi getting ready to apologize to him.

"Friday night let's do something. It'll be your way of saying sorry... for him" He smirks as you make him order. "Here is your coffee. That will be $2.50, will that be all?"

"Friday?" He asks with pleading eyes. "Text me later and we'll see... next." He chuckles moving to the side.

"I have a day and a half to convince you. Don't worry babe I'll get you." He winks at you walking away. You shake your head in disbelief.

"HEY, I've been waiting as you deal with your men, I'm hungry." He says snapping his fingers in front of your face. You look at him, one eyebrow raised.

"Oh, would you look at that it's time for my break, give me just 5 minutes to get my coworker to take over for me," You say locking the register and leaving to go find Jae.

Just minutes before you close this tall, and sexy man walks in with a bunch of fliers.

"Hi, um do you work here?"

"I do. How can I help you? Just so you know we are about to close so we don't have any food." You say, and he stands a little straighter look down at you. "I don't want any food. I'm Namjoon and you look like you could do with some fun." You raise an eyebrow at him stepping back, slightly confused as to where this was going.

"Wait. No. That came out wrong. I just meant there is a party 2 Saturdays from now and just wanted to ask if I could leave these fliers at the counter?" He held up papers rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile decorating his pinkish face.

You laugh at his flustered expectation "Yeah you can, here I'll take it off our hands." He hands them to you chuckling a little and you walk up to the counter putting them next to the 'tips' cup and grabbing the keys to lock up. "Thanks and sorry about earlier. I didn't mean it the way it sounded."

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