Chapter 10

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Two Hours Earlier...

"Hey, Yoongi you busy tonight? I wanted to go to that new bar," Hobi said walking into the living room sitting next to Yoongi on the couch. He really isn't paying any attention has his mind is elsewhere.

"Hello, can you hear me?" He waves his hand in front of Yoongi's face.


"Is everything okay? You and Y/n good?"

"She told me she loves me," Yoongi says in a monotone voice meanwhile Hobi's eyes widened with an apprehensive smile on his face. He nods processing the new and much-welcomed information.

"You- when?" He turns his head looking at yoongi who is blankly staring at the TV. After about 2 or 3 minutes he looks down at his hands before turning to Hobi.

"Last Saturday, at the park she told me and I told her 'I do too'." Hobi smiles a little at that.

"You aren't going to break up with her... will you?" Yoongi's eyes widen, horror etched onto his face. "NO, I don't, I love her like I've never loved anyone before. If anything I'm scared that she will leave me." He says honestly which leads Hobi to give him a tight hug.

"I'm happy to hear you say that... but why do you think she will leave you?"

"All week she has been preoccupied with some- some guy on a stupid project... Jacob." He says his name in a mocking manner.

"You're jealous!!" Hobi breaks down laughing, only to get smacked in the back of the head by Yoongi. "I am not. I just don't like the way he looks at her." He pouts crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch.

"Well, when does this thing end?"

"Today and I hope they never work on something ever again. Anyway, I have to get dressed, I'm taking Y/n out on a fancy date." He says getting up. "Well, why didn't you tell me earlier I wanted to go out. Where's Namjoon?"

"He went to go pick up Taehyung maybe you can do something with them." He goes to get ready for the night and Hobi tells him that he's happy everything is working out for him.

Yoongi planned this romantic date for you and him and in the hopes that this would be the night he can show you how much he loves you, even if that means he has to drop you off at home at the end of the night. He is really looking forward to tonight's date and is the happiest he has been in a relationship, even his very first one can't compare.


You wore this tight turquoise lace dress that zips at the back with thin straps that plunge into a sweetheart neckline, the dress stops just below the knees. It shows off your figure in the ways you wanted and you can't wait to see Yoongi tonight. Yoongi said he was on his way so you headed downstairs. You sit down on one of the benches outside your dorm building. You take out your phone checking to see if he texted again.

"Y/n? Hey" You turn and see Jacob walking over and you stand up meeting him halfway.

"Wow, you look amazing."

"Thank you. So what's up?"

"Well I talked to our teacher a little while ago and he said that we got a good grade I suspect in the 90s area. He couldn't give specifics but he did say that our grade would have been higher if we made plans to try it out in the future. Something about being proactive about our future."

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