Chapter 30

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Friday, October 20th, 10:30 pm

Since that conversation about a month ago Yoongi has been doing better with 'showing you off.' The two of you are well known in your own fields so when people found out that the two of you were working together is created a frenzy of support.

Along with that came dating rumors, of course, you went out more in public when it came to dates. Although you never showed any sort of real coupley type of affection many gossip posts came out of nowhere.

As of right now the two of you are in New York for about a week and a half. You wanted to show him where you grew up, and to meet your mother you want to show him what the other guys already saw.

Walking back to your hotel in the city from your dinner date the two of you try your hardest to refrain from holding hands. To get back to the Marriott hotel you had to walk through Times Square and it's always been just so hard to ignore the beauty that is Time Square.

"Babe, you said you wanted a new watch right?" You tug at his shirt sleeve looking up at him while you point to the Invicta Watch Store across the street. "Did you just call me babe?" He says showing that smile that makes your heart melt as you shyly nod saying a quick sorry.

"No don't be, I haven't heard you say that in a while. It just makes me want to kiss you right now." You blush as he smiles down at you, taking the chance and holding his hand as you pull him to the crosswalk. He shifts his hand in yours as he intertwined his fingers with yours giving your hand a tight squeeze as you walk into the store.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I love the price even more. $2,000 Yoongi are you insane?"

"Don't act like we can't afford things like this. Plus it's half off anyway." He looks up at the sales guy -who is getting a hefty commission for this- and smiles. "I'll take it." He takes it off handing it to the guy to wrap up.

"Yah Min Yoongi what do you think you are going?" He tilts his head, brows furrowed in confusion at the glare he's getting from you.

"Ah, I get it. You want one too? Pick one I'll get it." You gasp as he takes the bag from the guy giving you his award-winning smile. "So which one do you like?"

"I don't want one! We should be saving not spending."

"You were the one that brought me here."

"Yeah to get a watch under $1000 not one that double that plus tax."

"Ummm excuse me? You are Min Yoongi... the Photographer right?" The two of you then to look at a boy and a girl. They seem to be in their teens. "Hi yeah, that's me. What're your names?"

"I'm Katie that this is Matt."

"I'm a huge fan of your work. I always loved art and then I discovered your work. You have no idea how hard I worked to learn everything this is to know about photography."

Yoongi shakes his hand thanking him. "Send me some of your work, I would love to check it out."

"Wait are you serious?" Yoongi nods as he sends a small smile to the excited teens.

"So wait then that must mean you're Y/n. The famous designer? I love you."

She hops from side to side shaking your hand as well. "Your clothes cater to every size which I love considering I rarely find things to fit my body the way I want it to." You nod telling her that being inclusive was your main and only goal.

You look up and Yoongi quickly making use He was comfortable with all this attention. That was before loud squeals drew you back to the two.

"Can we get a picture?!" The two of you separate, both teens in the middle as Yoongi take the picture at a wide-angle. "Thank you so much. I must say your English is very good."

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now