Chapter 33

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You help Yoongi pack everything up while he settles things with the couple before the two of you head home to get ready for your party. The shoot took about 2-3 hours to get through.

Let's just say Yoongi had a picky bride on his hands, she felt the need to check the picture after every position change. Now Yoongi is not the most patient person anyone has ever met so it was extremely weird that he kept his cool when she questioned his every move.

"Okay so I'll hand this off to Chanyeol and if you have any questions or concerns he has my email as well. Congrats you two." He says his goodbyes before he jogs over to you by the car, putting away his camera.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go."

The two of you hop in the car heading back to your place. Throughout the drive, you couldn't help but shyly glance at Yoongi every two seconds. You don't know what's going on considering this wasn't the first time you've seen him work but you are usually the one bossing him around.

"Babe?" You hum quickly looking out the window when he glances at you. "Why are you staring at me? It's a bit distracting."

You clear your throat looking at the side of his face, catching the slight smirk etched into his face. You lean closer to him, laying a hand on his thigh. "What? I can't look at my incredibly sexy boyfriend?"

You see him grip the steering wheel tightly, then loosening before one hand falls down taking a hold of your hand. He intertwined his hand with yours and moves them over to your leg, relieving him of the distraction and making you just a little tenser. He parks the car and the two of you head upstairs.

"You can just as long as I'm not driving... it's a bit too tempting."

"Well then let's hurry up and give in to temptation... what' da say?"

He glances at his watch -before opening the door- which reads a little after 4. "We don't have much time babe. You take forever in the shower and Taehyung will kill us if we are late." He says kicking off his shoes and you jump in front of him, placing your hands on his chest, unbuttoning his shirt. "Well, then how about you join me? It will help speed things along."

You get on your tippy-toes, wrapping an arm around his neck as you run a finger along his jaw. You feel his hands slowly run along your hips pulling you into his chest and you smirk slightly. Your eyes flicker up meeting his as you place your lips on his ever so lightly.

"What do you say?" You whisper against his lips, never breaking eye contact. His stare pulls you in and keeps you on lock, the way his eyes search yours, the way his hands run up your back sending chills to the rest of your body. You tilt your head giving him a questioning look as you drop both feet back on the ground.

"Uh w-well... o-okay then, I-I'll go get ready." You say not even trying to hide your disappointment. You sigh looking away from him, trying to pull away but his grip just tightens and in one quick motion, his lips are on yours.

The kiss was sloppy and needy at first as he blindly walks you back towards the bedroom. The kiss soon turned heated and steamy, literary.


He raises your arms taking off your blouse before smashing his lips against yours. He backs you up against the wall and each of you fiddles with trying to get your pants off. He pulls away locking you in as his hand rest on the wall next to your head, your breathing is ragged and heavy.

Photographer M.YG ✓Where stories live. Discover now