Chapter 18

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"What is this?" You ask holding up his phone as he looks back at you confused. "I don't know what you're talking about." He walks over to you trying to see what's on his phone that has you this pissed.

"This reminder on your phone, it's fascinating really. 'Break up with Y/n' so what's that about?" his face drops and he grabs his phone out of your hand.

"It's not what you think. I forgot it was there."

"You forgot you set a reminder to break up with me. Please, by all means, help me understand." You raise both eyebrows. You're pissed but trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I-I did that when we s-started dating. I didn't think w-we would last that long. Please believe me, I was different back then."

"Wow, I have no words."

"I did this will all my ex-girlfriends but you're different I didn't think I would feel this way about you. I did forget, really I did." He walks closer to you and you walk back. "I can't be with someone who does this shit... So this is what that girl was talking about. The reminder thing huh?"

"Wait Y/n please-"

"No, you never gave this a chance. You put expiration dates on your girlfriends?! Yoongi how is that any way to live? I mean I don't know what I expected really, you can't even tell me you love me." You start to tear up looking at his red eyes.

"What are you saying? I don't want this to end, please. You're different. The best thing to ever happen to me, please don't leave me."

"Then tell me you love me!" He draws a sharp breath his mouth opens but shuts soon after. "Yeah that's what I thought, you were never able to say it to me. I don't know much about what your past 'timed' relationships were like... probably because you never wanted to tell me. So tell me now, do you love me?"

"Yes I do babe, I do so much."

"Then say it, because if you can't then I can't do this. You can't love someone if you go into something with the mindset that you will break up with them 4 months later." He doesn't say anything once again only tears coming down his face, he tries one last time to get closer but fails.


"Can you say it? -You know what? Forget it...I don't want you to say something you don't mean. I don't want to force something onto you. It won't make me stay." Your voice barely a whisper at this point. You walk out leaving him there as he just stares at you not uttering a word.


You get back to your dorm changing into something comfortable and ball your eyes out. You feel like everything was a lie, like all the times he tells you how much you changed his life was just a lie. You feel broken, you don't know how someone could say all that but never say those words that matter the most. You hide even further under your covers crying yourself to sleep.

The next morning Taehyung walks in using his spare key, he walks to the windows and opens the curtains. "Come on Y/n I'm hungry let's get some food. Wake up you lazy bum." He jumps up on your bed getting under the covers with you. You squint from the sudden bright light. He finally sees your face and his shocked one tells you exactly how bad you look.

"What the fuck happened?"

"We broke up." You say tears coming down not long after. You tell him the whole story and he just listens later ordering food going out to buy for favorite ice cream.

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