Chapter 8: Families!

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       The team were all in the round table room at the BAU. Strauss was there as well. "This team is killing families. They put all of them in the master bedroom. Killed the most first, the kids from oldest to youngest, and then kills the dad last. They make the dad watch. Then they put the house on fire." Strauss explained as she passed the files around. "Team?" Derek asked. "It's more then one person." Strauss replied. "Okay. Reid and Garcia will stay here and try to figure this profile out. Emily and Morgan will go to the last crime scene. JJ and Rossi will go asking neighbors what they saw." Aaron explained. "Hotchner and I will go see if we can meet someone." Strauss added and Aaron nodded.
     JJ knocked on a door as David stood next to her. They saw that across the street, Emily and Derek were arriving at the crime scene. The door opened and they put their attention back at the girl with short, blonde hair. "Yes?" The girl asked. "Hi. I'm agent Jenafer Jearou from the Behavioral Analysis Unit and this is agent David Rossi. We want to ask you questions about last night." JJ told her and she sighed. "Of course. I'm Clara Holson, come in." Clara told them as she let them come inside.
     Emily and Derek walked into the burnt house. "I'll check up stairs." Derek told her and she nodded. "Okay, I'll check down here." Emily agreed and Derek walked upstairs. Emily started looking around. Just about everything was burnt. She kept looking, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It all seemed like a regular house that a regular family would live in. She walked into the kitchen and saw there was a back door, and it was open. She walked up to it and started moving it around. She gently moved the door and it came right off its hinges. She placed it down and examined it. The doorknob was locked, meaning they had to have done something to get in. Emily walked back into the living room and saw a huge window right next to the front door. It was broken now, and she thought it was because of the fire. She examined it closely and then knew how they got in. "Prentiss!" Derek called. "Coming!" Emily called back and ran up there.
      Emily walked up to the master bedroom and saw Derek right away. "I called Garcia to tell her to look at people that have had bad pasts, mostly that surrounds their father. Maybe that's why they force the father to watch." Derek told her. "What if it wasn't there father?" Emily asked as she looked around. "What do you mean?" Derek asked. "Maybe he had a kid and some thing happened. He felt powerless to stop it, so he's making these fathers the exact same way." Emily replied, as she thought about Doyle, and Derek nodded. "Maybe. I'll call Garcia and have her check that out." Derek told her. Emily's phone rang and she answered. "Hey, Aaron." Emily greeted. "There was another murder, and we need you to check it out." Aaron told her and she nodded. "Okay, we'll be there right away." Emily told him and she hung up. She turned to Derek, who just got off the phone with Penelope. "There's another murder and Aaron wants us to check it out." Emily told him and he nodded. "Okay." Derek agreed and they left.
      JJ and David sat with Clara. "I just got out of the shower. I walked downstairs to get me a late snack and soda, like i do every night after a shower and before bed. I locked the door and was about to close the curtain on the window, when I looked across the street. There was a van I have never seen out there and when I looked closer I noticed that the window was shattered." Clara explained. "Did you see the license plate?" David asked and Clara shook her head. "No, the van was in the wrong angle for me to see." Clara replied. "Is there anything that you did notice about the van?" JJ asked. "Just that it was black." Clara replied and they nodded. "That's okay, you're doing great." JJ told her and she nodded. "I heard a bang, and it scared me. I couldn't move, I was frozen. I kept watching. I heard there more of the same noise. Then a group of, I think four men, came running out. I quickly ducked, but I peeked so I could see. The men had these white masks on their faces. I could definetly tell who the ring leader was, you can tell he was in charge. He looked around, and the darkness hit him at the right point and I could see blue eyes through the mask. Then they all got in the van and it drove away. I immediately called the cops, and that's all I know." Clara explained. "Thank you for your help." David told her as they stood up. "Anything to help. I knew that family, they were good people and always helped me when I need it." Clara told them. "You helped a lot, we know more then we did before." JJ told her and she smiled at them.
     Derek was driving as Emily looked on edge. He looked at her for a moment and then looked back at the road. "Is everything alright?" Derek asked. Emily snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him. "Of course." Emily replied. "Are you sure?" Derek asked and Emily sighed. "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Emily asked. "I don't know. You just seem, off about something. You've been acting this way for a while." Always tired and paranoid." Derek replied. "I don't know what you're talking about." Emily told him. "Is everything okay between you and Hotch?" Derek asked. "It's great." Emily replied. "Prentiss, you can tell me anything." Derek told her. "I said everything's fine!" Emily yelled and it took Derek off guard. "Okay then." Derel commented and Emily sighed. "I'm sorry." Emily apologized and Derek nodded. "It's cool." Derek told her as they kept driving.
      Emily and Derek stopped at the apartment building and walked in. There were already cops there. Derek immediately started looking at the door. "There's a bullet hole. The girl probably went to answer the door and they would have shot her, she didn't stand a chance." Derek told her. "But it's not a family, maybe it wasn't the same person." Emily told him. "Or maybe she was just loose ends." Derek suggested and Emily nodded. "Could be." Emily agreed. She walked closer to see the body, and almost fell back at who she saw. Tsia. Derek looked at her and noticed her reaction. "Prentiss. Are you okay?" Derek asked. "I'll be fine." Emily replied and ran away as Derek was confused.
      Derek found Emily outside, throwing up. He walked up to her. "Em, are you okay?" Derek asked and Emily nodded. "Yeah, it's nothing. I'll be fine." Emily replied. "You're one of the strongest people I know." Derek told her and she sighed. "It was nothing." Emily insisted and he sighed. "Okay." Derek agreed, still not believing her. "I got it on my shoes and pants a little too. Do ypu mind if we run by my house?" Emily asked. "Hotch told us to go straight back to the BAU." Derek replied. "It'll only be a minute." Emily told him and he sighed. "Okay." Derek agreed and they got in the car.
      Emily got back to her house and quickly changed her pants and shoes. She got into her closet and opened the floorboard. She pulled out a safe and opened it. She took out a gold necklace and put the safe back. She walked into the restroom and threw it into the toilet, flushing it. She sighed and left.

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