Chapter 43: First Victim!

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Emily sighed as the van drove out of sight. She looked up and saw a street camera, sighing in relief. She was glad that Peneleope would be able to track it. Emily ran up to the girl and helped her up. "Who are you?" The girl asked in tears. "A friend." Emily replied. "Who was that?" The girl asked. "A very bad man." Emily replied. "I'm scared." The girl told her and Emily nodded. "I know. How old are you?" Emily asked. "13." The girl replied and Emily sighed. "What's your name?" Emily asked. "Rebecca." Rebecca replied. "I'm Emily." Emily introduced. "I'm lost." Rebecca told her. "Come with me. My friends and I can help you." Emily told her. Emily took Rebecca's hand and took her to her car.
Emily walked into the BAU as she held Rebecca's hand. Everyone was wondering what she was doing. She put Revecca in the round table room and motioned everyone to follow her into Aaron's office. Aaron looked up and saw everyone walking in. "What's going on?" Aaron asked. "Emily just hriugh some kid here." Spencer replied and Aaron looked over at his girlfriend. "I found someone in a van trying to force her in there." Emily told them. "Oh, my gosh. Is she okay?" Penelope asked. "She's shaken up." Emily replied. "Did you see the person?" Penelope asked and Emily sighed. "Yeah, I did. It was Mick." Emily replied and they gasped. "Are you sure?" David asked and Emily nodded. "Positive." Emily replied. "I knew he would strike again." Aaron commented. "Rebecca's 13 and a brunette. I guess that's his type." Emily added. "Does he know that you saw his face?" Aaron asked. "I don't know." Emily replied. "He might go after you." Derek commented. "Declan and Jack are at home." Emily told him. "Jessica's with them. I'll send some cops over there." Aaron told her and she nodded. "Okay." Emily agreed. "What do we do now?" Penelope asked. "Arrest Mick." Aaron replied.
Emily, Aaron, and Derek was in one car. JJ, Spencer, and David were in the other. They were on their way to the hotel they were staying at. "Are you sure you want to come?" Aaron asked. "Yes. I have to." Emily replied and Aaron nodded. Both cars parked and everyone walked out and Derek barged in as Elizabeth jumped. The team had their guns out. "Emily? What's going on?" Elizabeth asked. "Where's Mick?" Aaron asked. "In the shower." Elizabeth replied. They heard the water turn off in there and they faced the restroom door with their guns aiming. They heard a loud noise and Emily ran in with her team following. The window was open and they looked down to find him running. "He's on the move!" Derek exclaimed and they all ran out the front way to catch up to him, but Emily and Aaron stayed. "Emily?" Aaron asked. "We have to stop him." Emily replied as she started climbing out the window. "Are you crazy?" Aaron asked. "They'll never catch him. Besides, its a small drop." Emily replied and she jumped out. Aaron to the window and sighed in relief when he saw that she was okay. She started running off and he sighed as he jumped out as well and followed her.
Emily was gaining on him and Aaron was only a little bit behind her. They had no idea where their team was, but that wasn't on their minds. All Emily could think of was the man who took her innocence when she was only 13, and the fact that her mother couldn't care less. All Aaron could think of was his girlfriend and what she's been going through this entire time. Emily finally caught up to him and tackled him as they both fell to the ground. "Get off me! I'm a part of the government!" Mick exclaimed as he tried to shake her off of him. "Not anymore." Aaron told him as he caught up to them. Emily took out handcuffs and handcuffed his hands behind his back. "Let's go." Aaron commented.
Elizabeth walked up to Emily. "He didn't do it." Elizabeth told her and Emily just looked into the window of the room that the man was in, with Aaron and Davkd questioning him. "I'll show you." Emily told he and walked in. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and followed her daughter. All three guys looked up at the two girls. "Emily. Elizabeth." David greeted with a nod. "I can take it from here." Emily told them. "Are you sure?" Aaron asked. Emily looked at the man with tears in her eyes and then back at her boyfriend. "Yes." Emily replied. "Okay." Aaron agreed. Davkd walked out and Aaron walked up to her and squeezed her hand before walking out as well. Emiky sat across from the man and they locked eyes. Elizabeth sighed and sat next to her daughter. "Tell my mom what you did." Emily told him and he smirked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Mick told her. "I told you." Elizabeth commented and Ekily ignored her. "I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I remember you and mom had a meeting, and you were going to pick her up at our house. I remember that she was late and I let you in, because I have known you my whole life and I trusted you. I remember you sitting next to me and telling me I looked beautiful. I felt uncomfortable when you sat really close to me, and you then you put your hand on my thigh. I didn't know what fo do or what to think.... And then you- you moved my hair back and started kissing my neck. I tried to run and scream, but you stopped me. Threatening my mom. I am so done with defending her and loving her after this.... I remember every detail, and today I saw you try to do the exact same thing to some innocent girl. You almost took everything away from her, like you did me. We have two witnesses, and there are probably more around the world, with how much you travel. You're not getting out of this one I won't let you." Emily explained. "I'm done for?" Aaron asked. "So to speak." Emily replied. "You were my first, you know that?" Mick asked. "No, I didn't." Emily replied. "It was weird. I never looked at kid more then that, a kid. But that night, something in me saw something different in you. You are your mothers child." Mick commented. "I am nothing like my mother!" Emily explained and Elizabeth looked over at her in tears. "Keep telling yourself that, love." Mick told her with a smirk. Emily glared at her and walked out. Elizabeth looked at Mick and then followed her daughter.
"Hey, are you okay?" Aaron asked and Emily shook her head. "No, I'm really not." Emily replied. Aaron sighed and hugged her. "I can't believe he could do that. I just can't believe that." Elizabeth commented. Emily pulled away from her boyfriend and looked at her mom. "You didn't believe me." Emily commented and Elizabeth sighed. "I just didn't think it was possible." Elizabeth told her. "You told me every day of my life that anything is possible. You didn't want it to be possible, and that was that." Emily told her. "I am so sorry, Emily. To think what you went through." Elizabeth commented. "That's not what bothers me the most. I mean, it was terrible and I still have nightmares about it once a month. But what hurt the most, was the fact that I had to deal with it alone and that you made me think I was crazy and that all of this was in my head." Emily explained. "That was wrong of me." Elizabeth told her. "It's good that you finally see that, but I think it's best if you leave and never come back." Emily told her. "But Emily, you can't be serious." Elizabeth commented and Emily shrugged. "I don't want you in my life, mom. I never want to see you again." Emily told her and walked away as Aaron and David followed her, and Elizabeth sighed as she put her head down.

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