Chapter 51: Adoption Part 2!

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      Emily, Aaron, Jack, and Declan walked into the office. Lexi Stenson stood behind her desk as the family walked in. She smiled at them and shook hands with all of them individually. "Nice to meet all of you." Lexi greeted. "You too." Aaron greeted. "Please, sit down." Lexi told them. "Okay." Emily agreed as they sat down and Lexi sat down as well. "So, which of these boys is the one you wish to adopt?" Lexi asked. "This one." Emily replied as she put a hand on Declan's shoulder. Lexi nodded and opened the fi ki e that sat in front of her. "Declan Doyle, right?" Lexi asked. "Yes, but we want to change his last name to Prentiss." Aaron replied and she nodded. "I see that in my file." Lexi commented. "So, will we be able to adopt him?" Emily asked. "Everything seems to be in order, I don't see a reason why you can't." Lexi replied. Emily and Aaron looked at each other with grins. Lexi took out a piece of paper and put it in front of Emily and gave her a pen as well. "I'll need both parents signature and Declan's." Lexi told them and they nodded. Emily signed, and then Aaron, and then Declan. Declan handed it back to Lexi as she took it back and put it in the file. "There you go." Lexi commented. "That's it?" Emily asked and Lexi nodded. "That's it." Lexi replied. "I can't believe it!" Declan exclaimed. The family stood up and Lexi stood up as well. "Congratulations. You are now a family." Lexi commented. Emily, Aaron, Jack, and Declan all smiled and went into a group hug.
     JJ was asleep, and Will was wide awake right next to her. He couldn't sleep after he got the call from his brother. But he hasn't called back, which probably means it was a mistake. His phone started singing and he sighed as he picked it up and looked at it. He gasped as he sat straight up. It was his brother. He looked at his wide and watched as she rolled over. Will walked out of the room and took a deep breathe before he answered it. "Hello." Will greeted. "Is this William Lamontagne?" The man asked. "Yes." Will replied. "It is me, Liam Lamontagne." Liam told him. "I know." Will agreed. "It's been a long time." Liam commented and Will nodded. "It has. Now what do you want, Liam?" Will asked. "I need your help, Will." Liam replied. "I don't know." Will commented and Liam sighed. "Please." Liam begged. "I'll call you back." Will told him and hung up with a sigh. Then JJ walked out and to her husband. "What's going on?" JJ asked as she rubbed her eyes. Will turned to face her and sighed.
      It was late and Aaron parked the car outside of their house. After the adoption, the new family went out to dinner and must hung out for hours. It has gotten late and they were all tired. "I'll see you in a minute, Jack." Emily told him and he nodded. "Okay." Jack agreed as he walked up to his room. "See you in a few." Aaron told her and kissed her cheek before following his son up the stairs. "Declan. Could we talk a moment?" Emily asked. "Of course, Emily." Declan replied as he looked at her with a smile. "You know, Declan. You can.... I mean, you should make yourself at home. This is your home now too." Emily told him and he grinned. "I will." Declan agreed. Declan walked up to her and hugged her. Emily smiled and hugged him back. Emily led Decan to his room and said her good night's to him and Jack before going to bed herself.
      Will and JJ were in the kitchen and Will just finished making coffee as he made himself and JJ a cup. "So your brother needs your help and you don't know if you want to help him?" JJ asked and he sighed. "It's not that simple." Will replied. "You told me about your relationship with your brother, and you also told me that I'm the only person you have ever told." JJ commented. "Because I love and trust you with all my heart." Will told her and she smiled. "And that was very sweet of you. But my sister killed herself, I can never have a relationship with her, but you still have a chance to have a relationship with him. Are you sure you want to pass that opportunity up?" JJ asked and Will gave a small smile. "I suppose you're right." Will replied and JJ laughed. "Good." JJ commented. "I love you so much." Will told her. "And I love you." JJ told him. He pulled her in and kissed her. "I'll call Lism first thing in the morning." Will told her. "Sounds good to me." JJ agreed. They hugged and went back to bed.
      The next morning, Emily drove the boys to the school. She parked the car and got out with them. "You're coming in?" Jack asked. "Yeah, I have to enroll Declan in school." Emily replied. "Cool." Jack commented. "Jack, could you share me yo the front office?" Emily asked. "Sure." Jack replied. They followed Jack to a door and Jack waved before heading off to class. Emily walked in and saw a man sitting at a desk. "You must be Ms. Prentiss." Shawn greeted. "Yes, that's me, and this is Declan." Emily greeted. "I'm Shawn Hunter. What can I do for you?" Shawn asked. "I would like to enroll Declan in school." Emily replied. "Do you have his transcript?" Shawn asked. "I do have that." Emily replied. She pulled it out of her purse and handed it to him. "Everything seems to be in order here. Just give me a moment." Shawn commented and Emily nodded. "Of course." Emily agreed. He was typing in his computer and then looked back up at them with a smile. He took out a paper from the printer and handed it to Declan. "You're enrolled, that is your class schedule." Shawn told them and they smiled. "Thanks." Emily commented. "No problem." Shawn commented as they walked out. "Good luck, Declan." Emily told him. "Thanks." Declan commented and walked off to find his first class.
      JJ left to take Henry to school. Will had conjured up all his courage to call his brother. It rang once and Liam answered it. "William." Liam greeted. "I'll help you." Will told him and Liam smiled from the other end of that phone call.

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