Emily and Aaron are happy that they can be together and living together with Jack. JJ is with Will and her two sons. Penelope is with Kevin and has their daughter. Spencer is with Maeve. Derek is with Savannah. David is with Hayden and their daughte...
Aaron walked into the station at Jacksonville, Florida. He walked up to his team. "Another women was murdered." Aaron told them. "Another women only weeks away from their wedding?" JJ asked. "Yeah." Aaron replied. "How does the Unsub know who's about to get married?" Emily asked. "No idea." Aaron replied with a sigh. "It would be easy to find out if they had just gotten married, you can look that up line. The only way to know that someone is about to get married is by stalking them to see if they're going to bridal stores." Spencer explained. "Emily and JJ, go to the nearest bridal store." Aarin told them. Emily and JJ were walking around the bridal store. "Any of these look nice?" JJ asked and Emily shrugged. "They're okay, I guess. I haven't really been looking at them." Emily replied. "You are engaged, aren't you?" JJ asked and Emily rolled her eyes. "Yes, but we are also on buisness." Emily replied. Then a women walked up to them. "Which one of you are the lucky gal?" The women asked. "She is." JJ replied and Emily sighed. "You can look around and try any dress you want." The women told them. "We actually have a few questions." Emily told her. "Okay." The women agreed. "Was there anyone suspicious here for the last few days?" Emily asked. "Not that I recall." The women replied. "And you've had several customers lately?" Emily asked. "That's right." The women replied. "Have they talked to anyone funny?" JJ asked and the women sighed. "Is this about the recent murders?" The women asked. "Yes." Emily and JJ replied in unison and the women sighed as she pulled the agents to the back of her shop. "This is what I know. I talk to all of my customers about their upcoming wedding, because I never got the chance to marry even though I've always wanted to, that's also why I opened this shop. The point is, I always ask them who their wedding planner is and all the girls that died had the exact same one. All of my other customers had different ones." The women explained. "Who is the wedding planner?" JJ asked. The women took out a pen and paper and wrote something down. She folded it up and handed Emily the paper as she accepted it. "In that paper has the name, addres, and number." The women replied and the agents nodded. The girls went back to the station and saw that the only member if their team that was there was Spencer. "Hey, how did the bridal shop go?" Spencer asked. "Great, I think we are really on to something." JJ replied. "That's great." Spencer commented. "Where is everyone?" Emily asked as JJ started calling Penelope. "Hotch and Morgan went to the crime scene and Rossi went to one of the victims house to talk to her fiance." Spencer replied. "Hello, my peeps." Penelope greeted. "What do you know about Lydia Marie Walsh?" JJ asked and Penelope started typing. "She's a wedding planner. She was supposed to get married a year ago, but then he left her at the alter." Penelope replied. "That could be her trigger." Emily commented. "But that was a year ago. Why wait until now to start killing?" JJ asked. "Maybe because her ex fiance just got married a week ago to another girl." Penelope replied. "Right before the murders started." Spencer realized. "Thanks, Garcia." JJ commented. "We found our Unsub." Spencer commented. "I'll text everyone to meet us there." Emily told them as they left. They walked into the wedding planning shop and Lyndia's eyes widened as she started running. Aaron, Emily, and Derek started running after her. Spencer, JJ, and David ran around to cut her off. She ran into Spencer, making them both fall and JJ grabbed her and started handcuffing her as the others caught up. "You're under arrest, Lydia Marie Walsh." JJ told her as Lydia sighed. Everyone was on the jet back home. Aaron next to Emily and handed her a cup of coffee. "Thanks." Emily commented as she took a sip. "No problem. Hey, Em. Do you think it's weird we had a case like this while we're engaged?" Aaron asked. "I don't know about weird. Maybe ironic." Emily replied. "You're not getting cold feet are you? It's just that Hayley had a bad case of cold feet, and you know how badly that ended. I just want to know now so I won't get hurt later." Aaron explained. Emily put her hand on top of his and locked eyes with him. "I don't have cold feet, not every girl gets it. I have always known what I wanted. That's why I fought my way into this team, and that's why I fought for us. For you. I love you and I know in my heart that marrying you is not a mistake." Emily explained and Aaron smiled. "I feel the exact same way." Aaron told her as she smiled and they kissed. It was the next day and everyone was at the BAU, doing paperwork. Spencer went to his desk, which is by Emily's. Emily was doing homework and had a journal next to her that said 'Wedding Planning.' "Wedding planning already?" Spencer asked and Emily looked at the journal and back at him. "Yeah, it just has a few ideas." Emily replied. "Is it from when you were a kid?" Spencer asked and Emily shook her head. "I got it after Aaron proposed." Emily replied. "Really? I thought most girls start planning when they're little." Spencer commented. "I'm not most girls." Emily told him and he laughed. "That's true." Spencer agreed and Emily shook her head with a smile on her face. "Shut up." Emily commented. "What's going on?" Derek asked. "Talking about how different Emily is to most girls." Spencer replied and Derek laughed. "That's the truth. Never make her mad." Derek commented and Emily playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm not that bad." Emily told them. "Keep saying that, and you'll believe it." David told her as he walked past and Emily sighed as Spencer and Derek laughed. Emily stood up and grabbed her journal. "See you later, boys." Emily told them as she walked away. The girls left early because JJ and Penelope were going to help Emily find a wedding dress. She tried on a bunch of them and showed it to her friends, but none of them felt like the dress for her. Emily got into her normal clothings and sighed as she looked into the mirror. "None of these dresses feel like the right one." Emily told them. "You'll find it, it'll just take time." Penelope told her. "Why am I even looking at wedding dresses when we haven't even set a date yet?" Emily asked. "It's best to get ahead." JJ replied and Emily sighed. She noticed something in the corner of the shop and walked over to it. Emily walked to it and picked up a wedding dress. She went to the dressing room and walked out to show her friends. JJ and Penelope gasped as they smiled. It was perfect, and they loved it. Emily looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection. "I love it." Emily told them. "I think you found your perfect dress." JJ commented and Emily turned to face her friends. "Do you think you can hold this dress for me, Garcia?" Emily asked and Penelope grinned. "I would love to." Penelope replied.
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