Chapter 35: Sleepover!

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     "Henry!" JJ called. "Coming, mom!" Henry called back. Henry ran down the stairs with a bag. "Ready?" JJ asked. "Yep." Henry replied. "Then let's go." JJ told him. "Where's dad?" Henry asked. "He had to go to work earlier." JJ replied. They walked outside and Henry got in as JJ put Michael in his car seat. "We're stopping by Garcia's place first." JJ told him as she got into the car and started it. She drove to Penelope's house and parked the car. She got her youngest son out. "Come on, Henry." JJ told him. "Can't I stay in the car?" Henry asked. "I don't know." JJ replied. "Please. You'll only be a minute." Henry begged and JJ sighed. "Fine, but stay here." JJ told him. "Okay." Henry agreed.
     JJ knocked on the door. Penelope answered with a smile. "Hey, JJ. Hi, Michael." Penelope greeted. "Thanks for hosting this playdate." JJ commented. "No problem." Penelope told her as JJ handed Michael to Penelope. "Have fun." JJ commented. "We will. They'll have a lot of fun." Penelope told her and JJ laughed. "I'll see you later." Penelope tong her. JJ waved as Penelope closed the door and she went back to her car. "Are you ready?" JJ asked and Henry grinned. "Yep." Henry replied. "Let's go." JJ told him and drove the car.
      JJ parked the car outside of Emily and Aaron's house. They both got out and walked up to the porch. JJ knocked and Emily answered the door. "Hey, JJ. Hey, Henry." Emily greeted. Jack ran up to the door. "Hey. Let's go to my room!" Jack exclaimed. "Okay." Henry agreed and they ran up the stairs. "Have fun!" JJ yelled and her and Emily laughed. "Kids." Emily commented. "That's for sure." JJ agreed. "What are your kid free plans?" JJ asked. "Some me time until Will gets home, and then some us time." JJ replied and Emily laughed. "That sounds fun." Emily told her and she smiled. "I hope so. I'll see you tomorrow." JJ commented and Emily nodded as she waved.
      Emily closed the door and Aaron walked up to her. "Jack and Henry went straight to Jack's room and closed the door." Aaron told her and Emily laughed. "At least they're already having fun." Emily commented. "What are our plans today?" Aaron asked and Emily smirked as she walked up to him. "Go to our room and stay there until dinner." Emily replied and Aaron laughed. "Sounds good to me." Aaron agreed. Emily took his hand and walked up the stairs and to their bedroom.
     JJ was reading a magazine on the couch in the living room. The house was empty and quiet, she's not use to that. She's use to a bunch of kids running around everywhere. Since Henry is 7 and Michael is 1. Her hair was down and slightly messy. She was just wearing a poor of shorts and a tank top. Her phone rang and she smiled when her husband's name appeared on the screen. "Hey, Will." JJ greeted as she flipped a page in her magazine. "I just wanted to call to say I might be working late today. I'm sorry." Will apologized. "It's okay. I wish you were here, but work is work." JJ told him. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you." Will told her. "I love you too." JJ agreed and hung up with a sigh. She gets more time for herself, but no time for her and Will. She really wants quality time with him, they don't get it often. She out her magazine down and sighed as she put her head back and closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.
      Emily and Aaron got dressed and walked out of their room. Aaron went to check on the boys as Emily went downstairs and to the kitchen. She looked out the window and saw Henry and Jack playing basketball out back and smiled as Aaron walked downstairs to her. "The boys aren't in Jack's room." Aaron told her. "Don't worry, they're outside." Emily told him and he stood behind her and looked out the window. He put his hands on her shoulders and she smiled. "If we have a few kids, we could be looking at that some day." Aaron commented. "Yeah." Emily agreed. Emily started doing dishes as Aaron started cooking. "Do you want kids someday?" Aaron asked. "I never use to think of kids, but lately I have been." Emily replied. "So?" Aaron asked and Emily turned to face him. "I would love to have kids.... Someday. I don't know when or how many, but I do know I want to eventually." Emily replied and Aaron smiled. "I was hoping you would say that." Aaron commented and Emily laughed. But then she sighed. "I was actually hoping to talk about this subject." Emily told him. "Really? Why?" Aaron asked. "I didn't know if you wanted any more kids?" Emily replied. "Why wouldn't I?" Aaron asked. "Because you have Jack and he's already nine." Emily replied. "I always wanted more then one kid. It just never happened because Hayley and I got divorced and then she died and I never found anyone worthy to marry and have another kid with, I didn't realize she was standing in front of me the entire time." Aaron explained and Emily. "How many kids did you want?" Emily asked. "At least two. Maybe three or four, but no more then that." Aaron replied and Emily laughed. "Sounds good to me." Emily agreed and they went back to doing the dishes and cooking.
     JJ knocked on Penelope's door and Kevin answered it. "Hey, you can come in." Kevin told her as he let her in and closed the door behind her. "Thanks." JJ commented. "Penelope's in the nursery." Kevin informed her and Penelope nodded as she walked up there. "Hey." JJ greeted. "Hi. Abbey just fell asleep and I think Michael's getting tired." Penelope told her and JJ smiled down at her son. "He'll probably fall asleep in the car." JJ commented. "How was your time by yourself and time with Will?" Penelope asked. "Time for myself was fine, but time with Will never happened because he has to work late." JJ replied. "That sucks." Penelope commented and JJ nodded. "Yeah." JJ agreed. I can take Mickey anytime you want, as long as you do the same with Abbey." Penelope told her and they both laughed. "It's a deal." JJ agreed. She picked up her son and waved to her friend before she got into her car and left.
     Dinner was over and Jack and Henry were helping to clearing the table. "Brudh your teeths and then go to your room. You don't have to go to bed for a couple of hours, but I want you two to relax and quiet down." Aaron ordered and they both nodded. "Okay." Henry agreed. "Got it, dad." Jack agreed. They ran upstairs and Emily smiled at Aaron. "Those boys are going to turn into fine young men." Emily commented and Aaron smiled. "I hope so." Aaron commented. "I know so. Jack has you as a parent and Henry has JJ and Will has parents." Emily told him. "Jack also has you, you're helping me raise him and you'll help me raise him until he's an adult. I'm glad I won't have to be a singe parent anymore." Aaron explained. "You did a pretty good job at it, though." Emily told him. "Thanks, that means a lot." Aaron told her and they kissed and hugged.
      The next day Will knocked on Emily and Aaron's door and Aaron answered. "Hey, I'm here to pick up Henry." Will told him. "Of course, come in." Aaron told him as he let him in and closed the for behind him. "Did Henry have fun?" Will asked. "A lot of fun." Aaron replied and Will smiled. "That's good." Will commented. Emily walked downstairs with Henry and Javk behind her. "I'm off to the store, I'll be back soon." Emily told her fiance and he nodded. "Okay." Aaron agreed and they kissed. "May I come?" Jack asked and Emily looked at Aaron, who simply nodded, and she looked back at Jack." Sure." Emily replied and Jack grinned. "How was your night?" Will asked. "It was great, dad." Henry replied and Will smiled. "Good." Will commented. "I'll see you soon." Jack told him. "You bet." Will agreed and they hugged. Will and Henry left and then Emily and Jack left to the store.

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