Chapter 7: Meeting Part 2!

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        Ian sat across from Emily as she continued to glare at him. "You came." Ian commented and Emily nodded. "I needed to know that it was real and that I'm not going crazy." Emily told him and he laughed. "You were always.... Complicated." Ian commented and Emily rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" Emily asked. "You, of course." Ian replied. "Then why haven't you attacked me yet?" Emily asked and he smirked. "Because I want you to suffer." Ian replied. "You had it coming." Emily told him and he laughed. "Only you would say that." Ian commented. "Who's to say I don't use this gun I have pointing at you and little Doyle?" Emily asked. "Because you don't want to risk it." Ian replied. "Prove it." Emily told him and he smirked. "Look, Emily. I haven't just been spying on you, I have been spying on all the people in your life. There's David Rossi, the Italian cheif. Then there's Derek Morgan, the ladies man who makes all the jokes. Penelope Garcia, the colorful technical girl who's always happy and positive. There's Spencer Reid, who's smart and knows everything, someone you can geek out with. Then there's Jenafer Jeaurou, a nice girl who can talk to people and calm people down. Then there's my personal favorite, Aaron Hotchner and his son Jack. You love him, you are dating him, and now you're even living with him. You're taking care of Jack as if he's your own and I think you want to spend your life with him, but you're afraid because you have commitment issues and being in love terrifies you. Plus, your shady past, the one that includes me." Ian explained and Emily glared at him. "You leave Aaron and my team alone." Emily threatened him and he laughed. "You think you can stop me." Ian commented. "I stopped you once." Emily told him. "And look how long that lasted." Ian added. "You don't know me. You don't know anything about me." Emily told him. "On the contrary, I know everything about you. Just because you were pretending to be someone else back then, doesn't mean I never saw the real you shine through once or twice. You will suffer. You won the battle, but I will win the war." Ian explained as he stood up with a smirk. He kissed her cheek and walked off as Emily sighed.
      Emily woke up and sighed when she saw Aaron wasn't in bed. Aaron left for work because the team is on a case now. She told him she was sick. She hates missing work, especially since it can get her mind off of things, but she had to stay. Aaron can protect himself, but Jack can't. Neither Aaron nor Jessica can protect him either. Jessica can't because she's not a fighter. Aaron can't because he doesn't know that his son needs protecting. Emily's the only one who knows something's up, so she's the only one that can help him. She needs to watch out for Aaron and her team as well. Because they can protect themselcesV, but they don't know that their lives are in danger. She didn't want to tell them because she wanted to protect them, but now she wonders if she's putting them in more danger by not telling them. She sighed as she started cleaning. She needs to get her mind off of things, but that's hard. Even if she was on the case, she wouldn't be able to stop thinking about Doyle. She needed to talk about what happened the night before.
      Emily was on the train. This time she was too anxious to go to sleep. Yesterday really put a lot of stress on her. She hardly slept last night, yet she still can't sleep now. She needs to talk about it to relive some stress, and hopefully get some sleep and feel a little better. But she knows deep down she won't feel better until Doyle is done, for good. She sighed as she was bitting her nails, as she usually does. Tne train stopped as Clyde and Tsia walked in. Emily stopped bitting her nails as she sat up straight. Clyde and Tsia sat with her and noticed her stress. "What's wrong?" Clyde asked and Emily sighed as she moved her hair behind her ear. "I talked to Doyle yesterday. Face to face." Emily replied and they gasped. "What? Why would you do that?" Tsia asked. "I needed him to know that I'm not afraid of him." Emily replied. "And?" Tsia asked. "I don't think he bought it." Emily replied. "Of course not. He's really smart." Clyde commented and Emily rolled her eyes as she held back tears. "He knows about my team. He's been spying on them and he knows how I feel about Aaron and Jack." Emily told them. "Why?" Tsia asked. "He wants me to suffer." Emily replied and Tsia sighed. "I was afraid of that." Tsia commented. "I just want to protect them, and for the first time I'm actually not sure that I can." Emily told them. "You can. You're Emily Prentiss." Clyde told her and she gave a small smile. "He's not going to stop, and neither can we." Emily told them and they nodded. "And we won't." Clyde agreed.
      Emily put on her robe and walked downstairs when she heard the door. "Hey." Emily greeted her boyfriend. "Hi. How are you feeling?" Aaron asked and she smiled. "Better." Emily replied and Aaron walked up and gave her a kiss. "When we got back Strauss talked to all of us." Aaron told her. "About?" Emily asked. "We aren't going to do any more cases in a while. Apparently there's someone who has been killing families, and she wants us on it." Aaron replied. "Where?" Emily asked. "Here." Aaron replied. "Really?" Emily asked. "Yeah, it's crazy." Aaron replied. "Do we have anything on them?" Emily asked and Aaron shrugged. "I don't know. We will find out tomorrow, that's when we're starting the case." Aaron replied and Emily nodded with a fake smile on her face.

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