Chapter 38: Dark Past Part 2!

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       Aaron couldn't believe what Emily just told him. She was raped? By a man who works with her mom and she won't listen to her about it? No wonder Emily has problems with her mom. "And he's still a free man?" Aaron asked and Emily nodded. "Yeah. He is and he always will be." Emily replied. "No, he won't." Aaron commented and Emily sighed. "Don't get involved, Aaron. There is nothing anyone can do." Emily told him. "Am I just suppose to ignore it and as if you never told me?" Aaron asked. "Yes.... I just need you with me tonight." Emily replied and Aaron sighed as they hugged. But Aaron couldn't let it go.
     Emily was asleep and Aaron covered her up and kissed her forward. He walked out of the room and down the stairs as he took out his phone. He dialled the number and out his phone up to his war as he waited for her to answer. "Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss." Elizabeth greeted. "Ambassador Prentiss, it's Hotch." Aaron told her. "Is everything okay, Agent Hotchner?" Elizabeth asked and Aaron sighed. He wanted to tell at her right now, but he needs to stay calm. Just hearing her voice is making him angry. He can't believe a mother will act like this to her own daughter. "No, it's not." Aaron replied. "Is it Emily?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes." Aaron replied. "What is it?" Elizabeth asked. "I'll tell you once you get here." Aaron replied and Elizabeth sighed. "Agent Hotchner, I am a very busy women." Elizabeth told him. "But this is your daughter." Aaron told her. "I get that, but it's not always black and white." Elizabeth told him. "If you care about her at all, you'll be here as fast as you can." Aarom told her and hung up. He sighed as he sat in the couch. He knows he shouldn't have went off on her like that, but it makes him so angry. He loves Emily so much, he'll do anything for her.
      Emily opened her eyes and got up. She walked up to the window and saw that it was morning. She's slept for a while. She sighed as she walked down the stairs and saw Aaron and Jack eating breakfast. "Hey, Em." Aaron greeted. "Hey. Why didn't you wake me?" Emily asked. "I thought you needed the sleep." Aaron replied abd Emily smiled. The heard a honking outside and Jack got up. "That's the bus!" Jack exclaimed and started walking off. "Don't forget your lunch." Aaron told him. Jack came back and grabbed his lunch and then he ran out as Emily and Aaron both laughed. "Kids." Emily commented and Aaron nodded. "How are you feeling?" Aaron asked. "Fine." Emily replied. "Really, Em?" Aaron asked. "Yes, Aaron. I'm fine." Emily replied and Aaron nodded. "Come. Eat." Aaron told. "I will, I'm just going to take a shower first." Emily told him and walked upstairs.
     Maeve walked out of the restroom. "How are you feeling?" Spencer asked. "Just morning sickness." Maeve replied. Maeve sat down next to Spencer and Maeve picked up her book. "What are you reading?" Spencer asked. "A book of baby names." Maeve replied. "Anything that stands out?" Spencer asked. "I don't know. I kind of like the names Michelle and Brian." Maeve replied. "Those are nice names." Spencer commented and Maeve smiled as she put the book down. "I got a call from Mr. Williams last night and he said we can look at the house in a week." Maeve told him and he smiled. "That's great." Spencer commented. "He said we have a really good chance at getting it." Maeve added. "Perfect." Spencer commented and Maeve gently kissed him on his lips as Spencer kissed back.
     Aaron walked over to Emily. "Hey." Aaron greeted. "Hey." Emily greeted with a smile. "About last night." Aaron commented. "Don't." Emily warned. "We should talk about it." Aaron told her and she sighed as she faced him. "No. That was the first time I spoke about it since I was 14." Emily told him. "Why?" Aaron asked. "Because of my mom." Emily replied. "Your mom?" Aaron asked. "She spent a year getting me to shut up about it. She thought I was just rebelling. But I know what he did to me. I remember it as if it was yesterday, because to me it feels like it was. She doesn't believe me and she convinced everyone I told that I was just a kid who doesn't know anything. Because she just didn't care, she never has and she never will." Emily explained and then she walked upstairs as Aaron sighed.
      Aaron walked into their bedroom and Emily rolled her eyes as she looked over the window. "I'm sorry that I keep bringing it up." Aaron apologized and Emily sighed. "Yeah, me too." Emily agreed. Emily wouldn't look at him. "I guess I just understand why you have so many issues with your mom now." Aaron told her and she sighed. "Yeah." Emily agreed. "I know it's hard to talk about things like that, but it can also help you." Aaron told her and she rolled her eyes. "That's a bunch of crap. I rather forget it." Emily told him. "It's not good for you to keep so much inside." Aaron told her. "Maybe to you, but it is to me. It's how I was taught, it's all I know." Emily told him and he nodded. "I know, but that's all your moms fault. You should have been taught better." Aaron told her. Emily sighed and turned to face him. "But I wasn't." Emily told him and walked out as Aaron sighed. He took out his phone a d tried to call Elizabeth. He wanted to stop her from coming, if she did decide to come. But it went to voicemail, and he sighed as he threw his phone on the bed.
      It was late and Aaron was getting dressed after taking a shower. Emily and Aaron were still in a fight. Aaron knows how Emily is, and she's starring to think again that he's not okay with who she is, and that's hurts her more then she can say. Emily heard the door and went to answer it. She gasped at who she saw, she couldn't believe her eyes. "Hi, Emily." The women greeted. "Mom?" Emily asked.

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