Chapter 21: Relationship Problems Part 1!

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        Emily woke up on the couch. She sighed as she rubbed her eyes and fixed her hair. She went to the kitchen and saw pancakes and a note. Aaron had msde pancakes for her. She smiled and sat down to eat them. When she was done, she went upstairs to get dressed and then she went back down stairs. That's when she saw Jessica. "Oh, hi. I didn't know you were here." Emily commented and Jessica smiled. "I was in the shower. I'm here to watch Jack." Jessica told her and Emily nodded. "That's nice." Emily commented. She was about to leave when Jessica stopped her. "Did you see the pancakes he made you?" Jessica asked and Emily nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, I did." Emily replied. "May I ask you something?" Jessica asked. "Sure." Emily replied. "Are you and Aaron okay?" Jessica asked and Emily sighed. "We're fine." Emily replied. "I just noticed that you slept on the couch and you guys didn't leave to work together, as you usually do." Jessica told her and she sighed. "I guess it's just been hard since I came back." Emily told her and Jessica nodded. "That's understandable." Jessica agreed.
      Penelope and Derek were in Penelope's office, as they talked. "Are you guys really moving in together?" Penelope asked. "Yeah, this weekend." Derek replied and Penelope smiled. "I'm so happy for you." Penelope told her and Derek smiled. "Thanks, it's exciting. I never saw my self settling down, not until I met Savannah." Derek told her and Penelope smiled. "I always wanted to, but I was afraid it wouldn't happen. Then I met Kevin." Penelope told him. "Maybe we'll even get married someday." Derek commented and Penelope laughed. "Derek Morgan considering marriage? Am I hearing this right?" Penelope asked and Derek laughed. "Very funny, but Savannah actually makes me think of stuff like that." Derek replied. "That's good." Penelope told him and he nodded. "Yeah." Derek agreed. "Do you want kids?" Penelope asked. "Not right now, but someday." Derek replied and Penelope gave a.small smile.
      "Hey, Spence. Are you okay?" JJ asked as she walked up to him. "Yeah. It's just that I think something is wrong with Maeve." Spencer replied and JJ sat next to him. "Why do you think that?" JJ asked and he sighed as he leaned back. "I don't know. She's just been acting really weird the last few days." Spencer replied. "I'm sure it's nothing. It's just been the last few days, right?" JJ asked and Spencer nodded. "Well, yeah." Spencer replied. "Then it might not be anything. Just wait a few more days, and if she's still acting like that, then ask her what's wrong." JJ told him and nodded. "Okay. Thanks, JJ." Spencer commented and JJ smiled as she stood up. "Anytime." JJ told him as she walked away.
    Emily walked in and David walked up to her. "Could we talk?" David asked. "Sure." Emily replied as she walked into the kitchen and he followed. "You need to talk to Hotch." David told him and Emily sighed. "Why does everyone keep telling me that?" Emily asked. "Because it's the truth. He thinks you're not as into this as you once were." David replied and Emily sighed. "Maybe that's how I feel about him." Emily told him as she made coffee and he sighed. "What's going on with you two?" David asked amd Emily sighed as she picked up her newly made coffee that was in her coffee cup. "I honestly don't know." Emily replied.
     Emily walked into Aaron's office and shut the door behind her. "Hsy." Emiky greeted and Aaron looked up to lock eyes with her. "Hi." Aaron greeted. "Thanks for the pancakes, and for covering me up." Emily commented and Aaron smiled. "It was nothing." Aaron told her. "I need to talk to you." Emily told him. She was tired of being awkward with him. "Okay." Aaron agreed as Emily sat down. "Are you mad at me?" Emily asked. "Of course not. Why do you think that?" Aaron asked. "Maybe it's the way you've been acting." Emily replied. "The way I've been acting?" Aaron asked as he stood up. "Well, yeah." Emily replied. "What about the way you've been acting?" Aaron asked and Emily stood up too. "Me? Are you serious?" Emily asked. "Yes." Aaron replied. "I don't believe this." Emily commented. "You shut down, once again, after Doyle came back into your life." Aaron told her and she held back tears. "That's not fair." Emily told him. "Isn't it? Because I think it is. You're shut off from the world. Untrusting and, not yourself." Aaron told her and she glared at him. "It's not like that." Emily told him. "But you won't tell me what it's like!" Aaron exclaimed. "You won't understand." Emily told him. "How do you know that when you never even tried explaining?" Aaron asked. "Because I know." Emily replied. "Wny couldn't you just tell me about him before it was too late?" Aaron asked. "I had my reasons." Emily replied and Aaron sighed. "I see." Aaron commented. "I should go." Emily told him and walked out of his office with a sigh.
     Emily got back to her house and saw her mom was sitting on the porch. Elizabeth stood up and smiled at her daughter. Emily sighed. "What do you want?" Emily asked. "I think we should.... Make things right." Elizabeth replied. "Really? After all these years?" Emily asked and Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah." Elizabeth replied. "Why now? After everyone, why now?" Emily asked. "To be honest, your boyfriend came to see me before I got on my plane." Elizabeth replied. "Aaron?" Emily asked. "That's right." Elizabeth replied. "Why?" Emily asked and Elizabeth sighed. "Because he hates that we don't get along. He also hates how that makes you feel." Elizabeth replied. "And how did he say that makes me feel?" Emily asked. "He didn't say. I don't think he knows, he just knows it's not a good feeling." Elizabeth replied and Emily nodded. "Oh." Emily commented. "He really loves you." Elizabeth told her and Emily smiled. "Yeah, I guess he does." Emily agreed. "Could we go in and talk?" Elizabeth asked and Emily nodded. "Yeah, I think we can do that." Emily agreed and they walked in.

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