Chapter 20: Back From Egypt!

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         Emily put her book down once Aaron walked in the room. "Hey." Aaron greeted. "Hi." Emily greeted. Aaron sat on the bed and kissed Emily. "There's something you should know." Aaron told her. "Okay." Emily agreed as she locked eyes with him. "So, here's the thing." Aaron started. But then there was a knock on the door. "Hold that thought." Emily told him. She got up and put on her robe as she walked out. Aaron sighed, knowing who it was, and got up to follow her. "Em, wait!" Aaron called after. But it was too late, as Emily opened the door and widened her eyes as she saw her mom standing there. "Mom? What are you doing here?" Emily asked. "Hotch called and told me my daughter was alive, since you weren't going to." Elizabeth replied as she walked. Emily sighed as she closed the door and turned to face. "Maybe it's because I figured you wouldn't care." Emily told her. "Of course I care, you're my daughter." Elizabeth told her. "But you don't act like it. You don't even know what real emotions are." Emily told her. She looked at her boyfriend and sighed before she stormed out of the house.
       Emily was at JJ's house. JJ handed her friend a cup of coffee. "Thanks." Emily commented as she took a sip. "No problem. Now are you going to tell me what happened?" JJ asked. "No." Emily replied and JJ sighed. "What happened, Em?" JJ asked amd Emily sighed. "Aaron called my mom." Emily replied. "Why?" JJ asked. "To tell her that I'm alive." Emily replied. "Isn't that a good thing?" JJ asked. "Not when we talked about this earlier and I told him that we're better off away from each other." Emily replied. "But she's your mom." JJ told her and she sighed. "You don't understand my relationship with my mom, it's very complicated." Emily told her. "That's terrible." JJ commented and Emily shrugged. "It is what it is." Emily told her. "It really doesn't bother you that you're not close to your mom?" JJ asked. "No, we've never been close." Emily replied. "That's so sad. You don't have a dad and you're not close to your mom." JJ comm. "I guess." Emily agreed. "Are you mad at Hotch?" JJ asked and Emily sighed. "I don't know. I know he was just trying to help me, but still. Besides, things haven't been the same with us since I came back." Emily replied. "Well, you guys just have to figure out how to put each other into one another lives again. A lot has changed, and you both might have changed." JJ told her and she nodded.
       Derek was holding Savannah as they made out. "I should probably go home." Savannah told her. "Do you have to?" Derek asked and Savannah laughed. "I have to." Savannah replied. "You could stay." Derek suggested. "I wish." Savannah told her. "You could move in with me." Derek suggested and Savannah sat up and faced him as he sat up as well. "What?" Savannah. "Well, it makes since. You spend all of your time here anyways." Derek replied. "Or.... We could move into my place." Savannah suggested. "It is bigger and nicer then my apartment." Derek agreed and they both smiled. "Are we really doing this?" Savannah asked and Derek nodded. "I think we are." Derek replied and they hugged.
       Aaron and David were talking. "Should you really have called Ambassador Prentiss?" David asked. "She deserved to know that her daughter was alive." Aaron replied and David nodded. "Perhaps, but you need to respect her decsion enough to not do that at her request." David told him and he sigbed. "I know you're right." Aaron agreed. "You should make things right with Prentiss." David advised him. "J don't know." Aaron commented. "What do you mean?" David asked. "I don't know. Things have been different between us since she came back." Aaron replied. "You should talk to her about it. A lot has changed since she was gone and then came back, you guys need to figure out how to fit into each other's lives again." David explained and Aaron nodded. "Perhaps your right." Aaron agreed. 
      Emily walked back into her house and sighed when she saw her mom sitting on the couch. "Hotch said I can stay here." Elizabath told her and she nodded. "Of course he did." Emily commented. "Why didn't you want me to know that you were alive?" Elizabeth asked and Emily couldn't believe what she just heard. "Do you really have to ask that? Are you really that oblivious?" Emily asked. "I don't know what you're talking about." Elizabeth replied. "We're not close, not even a little. You talk down to me and implied my entire life that I wasn't good enough. I worked so hard to prove myself to you, but then I finally gave up. I realized that I can never prove myself to you, and that'll you'll never care, so now I work hard for myself. I was never good enough to be your daughter. Aaron was the first person who made me feel special and wanted and like I was actually good enough. He loves me for me, which is something I have never felt before." Emily explained to her mom and stormed upstairs as Elizabeth sighed.
        "Maeve!" Spencer called. Maeve walked out of the restroom and into Spencer's room. "Yeah?" Maeve asked. "Is everything okay?" Spencer asked and Maeve nodded with a fake smile. "Yeah. I was just about to brush my teeth." Maeve replied. "Okay. Will you get my toothbrush ready as I get dressed?" Spencer asked. "Of course." Maeve replied. She walked back into the restroom and locked the door as she sighed. She picked the pregnancy test back up and looked at how it said positive. She sighed as she moved things in the trash so it'll be hidden from Spencer.
     Aaron walked up to Emily, who was in the living room of their house. "Hey." Aaron greeted and Emily looked up at him. "Hi." Emily greeted. "Could we talk?" Aaron asked. Emily sighed as she stood up. "Sure." Emily replied. "I'm sorry that I called your mom against your wishes." Aaron apologized and Emily nodded. "I know." Emily told him. "Why have you acted weird since you came back?" Aaron asked and Emily's eyebrows pushed together. "What do you mean? You've been acting weird." Emily told him. "Not true." Aaron told her. "Yes true." Emily told him. They both starred at each other for a moment, and then Aaron walked upstairs as Emiky sat on the couch with her head in her hands.

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