Chapter 26: Birthday!

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       JJ was in the kitchen cooking. Will walked in and greeted her. "Up so early?" Will asked. "It's Michael's first birthday, I'm making sure everything is good and ready for his party." JJ replied and Wl smiled. He walked behind her and out his arms around her as she out her head up against his cheek. "Everything will be fine as long as you guys don't get a case." Will told her and kissed the top of her head. "I know." JJ agreed. Then they heard Mocvzel crying. "I'll get him." Will told her and she nodded. He let go of her and walked up the stairs as Henry walked down the stairs. "What are you doing up so early on a Sunday?" JJ asked with a smile. "I heard voices." Henry replied. "Sorry about that. I forgot that you're a light sleeper, just like your father." JJ apologized. "It's okay, mom." Henry reassured and JJ smiled. "I still can't believe you turned seven four months ago, and now Michael is one." JJ commented and Henry laughed. "You can't stop us from growing up." Henry told her and JJ laughed. "But all mothers wish they could." JJ told him. Will walked down with Michael in his hands. JJ smiled and walked up to him. "Happy birthday, my baby boy." JJ told her youngest son. Michael laughed and his parents smiled.
       JJ was on the phone with David. "Thanks again for bringing the cake." JJ commented. "No problem. You have enough on your hands as it is." David told her and she smiled. "I want to ask you one more favor, if you don't mind." JJ told him. "Of course." David agreed and JJ sighed. "Will you try and keep Hotch as busy as you can." JJ asked. "Yeah, I can do that." David agreed. "Thanks." JJ commented with a sigh. "Is this about Hotch and Prentiss breaking up?" David asked. "Yeah, it becomes awkward when they're in the same room. But I want them both there." JJ replied. "I get it." David told her. "Emily is so upset about it that she didn't even go with us on our last case, said she was sick." JJ commented. "I think she was actually sick." David told her. "What makes you say that?" JJ asked. "Because she's strong and doesn't let anyone dictate her life." David replied and JJ sighed. "I guess." JJ agreed. "I'll help you keep them apart tonight." David told her and she smiled. "Thanks, see you tonight." JJ told him and hung up.
    Nine year old Jack went up to his dad. "When are we leaving for the party?" Jack asked and Aaron smiled down at his son. "Not for two hours, but I can see you're already ready." Aaron replied and Jack grinned. "I'm excited to see Emily again." Jack tolf him and Aaron frowned. "Oh." Aaron commented. "Sorry, dad." Jack apologized as he frowned. "Don't be. You should be happy to see her." Aaron told him. "Why did you guys have to break up?" Jack asked and Aaron sighed. Aaron sat on the couch and motioned for his son to join him. "Sometimes you can want something to work, but it doesn't mean that it will. I love Emily, but maybe we're just too different." Aaron replied. "Different how?" Jack asked. "I am a very open person, and she is a very closed person. I think that made us unable to be together, no matter how much we both wanted it." Aaron replied and Jack sighed. "I kiss Emily." Jack told his dad. "I do too, Jack. I do too." Aaron agreed as he hugged him.
      David, Hayden, Joy, Shawn, and Kai all went to JJ's house early for the party. Joy put her three year old son down once they got inside. "The cake looks amazing." Will commented as he took it from David. "Thanks, I made it myself." David commented. Will put it in the refrigerator. JJ walked down the stairs in a robe and her hair in a ponytail. "I thought I heard voices. What are you doing here so early?" JJ asked. "I thought we could help a little more." Davkd replied and JJ smiled as they went into a hug. "That's sweet of you." JJ commented. Will walked in with a big banner. "Where do you want the banner, JJ?" Will asked. "Outside over the door." JJ replied. "I'll help you with that." Shawn suggested. "Thank you." Will commented as the two of them walked outside. "Getting ready?" Hayden asked and JJ sighed. "Yeah, the last few days have been so hectic that I haven't even thought about what I wanted to wear." JJ replied. "My mom and I can help you with that." Joy suggested and JJ smiled. "Really?" JJ asked. "Sure." Hayden replied. "Do you mind watching Kai?" Joy asked her dad. "Not at all." David replied. "You can put Ksi in Michael's room." JJ told him and walked upstairs with Joy and Hayden following her.
     All the guests started arriving at JJ and Will's house. JJ and Joy walked down the stairs as JJ held Michael and Joy held Kai. JJ noticed that David was in the kitchen with Will, Henry, and Aaron and she sighed. She walked over to Emily and Penelope. "Where's Kevin and Abbey?" JJ asked. "They're coming a bit late." Penelope replied. She turned to face Emily. "How are you feeling?" JJ asked. "I'll live." Emily replied. "About being sick or the break up?" Penelope asked. "Both." Emily replied. "Well, let's open presents and eat cake." JJ commented.
     Jack walked up to Emily while JJ and Will helped Michael open his presents. "Hi." Jack greeted and Emily smiled at him. "Hey, Jack." Emily greeted. "I'm really happy to see you." Jack told her. "Same here. I missed you." Emily told him. "I miss you too." Jack agreed. Jack hugged Emily and Emily hugged back with a smile. Emily looked up and saw Aaron staring at her, causing her to frown. The room spun for a moment moment and she sighed as she pulled away from Jack. "I'll be back." Emily told him. "Okay." Jack agreed and Emily walked up the stairs.
     Emily went into JJ and Will's room and sighed as she sat on the bed and put her head in her hands. Aaron walked in. "Are you okay?" Aaron asked as he leaned up against the doorframe. Emily looked up and starred at him. "Fine." Emily replied and looked down. Aaron sat up and walked closer. "Are you sure?" Aaron asked. Emily sighed and stood up to face him. "Yes, Aaron. I'm sure." Emily replied. "You don't have to give me attitude, I was just worried about you. It's not easy seeing you right now." Aaron told her. "Do you think it's easy for me to see you? Because it's not." Emily informed him. "You broke up with me." Aaron reminded her. "I didn't want to! I did it because of you!" Emily exclaimed. They both had tears in their eyes at this point. "Me? What did I do?" Aaron asked. "You don't accept me for who I am, not really." Emily replied. "That's not true." Aaron told her, his voice getting soft. "I have a lot of baggage. Maybe that's why I'm not girlfriend material, I don't know.... I have demons, Aaron. A lot of them. Each one is stronger and angrier then the last. If you can't see past them, then we can never be together, and I don't think I want to try anymore." Emily explained. "Is that really how you feel?" Aaron asked. "Yes." Emily replied and Aaron sighed. "Fine." Aaron agreed. Aaron left the room and Emily laid down on the bed as she silently cried.
      Emily opened her eyes. They were completely dried now. She sat up and looked around. She touched her shoulder, which is hurting worse now. It's the area that she was shot at not that long ago. She pretends that she's fine, but she's not. She's not okay about her breakup with Aaron and her shoulder is not okay. She sighed when she realized that she had fallen asleep. She stood up and paused as the room spun. She walked downstairs and saw that the party was over. JJ was the only person there, she was cleaning up. "Hey, Em. How are you doing?" JJ asked. "Fine. Are you the one that covered me up?" Emily asked. "No, I walked in and saw Hotch doing it." JJ replied. "Emily was surprised. After their breakup and their fight, he still covers her up when she's asleep. She gave a small little smile. She snapped out of it and walked over to JJ. "How long was I out?" Emily asked. "All afternoon and all night. It's the next day." JJ replied and Emily gasped. "It can't be." Emily commented. "It is. I know you've been sleeping in a hotel, you probably just haven't gotten any sleep lately." JJ told her. "Where did you and Will sleep?" Emily asked. "I slept next to you and Will slept on the couch." JJ replied and Emily sighed. "You could have woken me up." Emily told her. "Will and I agreed that you deserved a night to rest properly." JJ told her. She gave her friend a smile, but then she frowned as she held her head with one hand and held the arm of the couch with the other. JJ took a step closer. "What's wrong, Em?" JJ asked. "I.... Don't know." Emily replied. She looked up at JJ, and noticed that the blonde was all blurry in her vision. Then Emily passed out and JJ screamed as she ran up to her friend. "Emily!" JJ exclaimed in tears.

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