Chapter 48: Foster License Part 2!

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      Aaron was helping Jack downstairs as Emily got ready in their bedroom. "I don't know how long the Foster License will take, so if it takes too long then your Aunt Jessica will be here to watch you after you get off the school bus." Aaron explained and he nodded. "Okay, dad." Jack agreed. "You ready?" Aaron asked. "Yep." Jack replied. "Good." Aaron commented. "How will this whole Declan thing work?" Jack asked. "Well, there is a spare bedroom. So he will take that one for now. We'll enroll him in your school, and treat him as our own." Aaron replied. "I thought that was for if you and Emily had kids someday?" Jack asked and Aaron nodded. "It will be, but with two boys I think we're going to postpone that for the time being." Aaron replied and Jack nodded as he out his down. 'Good to know." Jack commented. Aaron sighed and bent down and they looked eyes. "Just because we're adding another person to the family, doesn't mean we love you any less then we already do. That includes once we start having our own kids. I need you to know this, Jack. You will always be my son and I will always love you dearly." Aaron explained and Jack smiled. "I will always love you too, dad." Jack agreed and they hugged. They heard the bus honking and Aaron handed Jack his lunch. They hugged and Jack ran out. Aaron's phone rang as he answered it. "Hi, JJ." Aaron greeted.
     Emily looked at a full body mirror in her bedroom. She wore a suit and she knew her hair was missing. She grabbed a few hair clips and put her hair in a bun. She gave a nervous smile as her heart was racing. She was extremely nervous. But this is something she has to do. She wants Declan in her life, and Declan wants her in his life. Aaron walked in and Emily turned around and smiled at him. "I'm ready." Emily told him as she picked up her purse from the table. "Bad news." Aaron told her and she frowned. "What?" Emily asked and he sighed. "We have a case." Aaron replied. "Oh, okay. Let me just change." Emily told him as she put her purse down and turned back to the mirror. Aaron sighed as he watched her. He saw how much that hurt her, which hurts him. Emily wants to get Declan in her care as soon as possible, so he'll finally be happy and safe. "But you're not coming." Aaron told her. Emily turned around to face him with her eyebrows pushed together. "I'm not?" Emily asked and Aaron smiled as he shook his head. "No, you'll meet us there once you're doing getting your Foster License and bringing Declan here." Aaron replied and Emily grinned. "Really?" Emily asked. "Of course. This is something you have to do, and I will be there for you once you get to Miami." Aaron replied and Emily nodded. "I love you." Emily told him. "I love you too." Aaron agreed.
       Emily was sitting in an office as she waited. Declan's social worker will be here soon. Sebastian walked in and Emily smiled at he sat at his desk. "Nice to see you again, Ms. Prentiss." Sebastian greeted. "You too." Emily agreed. "Ready to get your Foster License?" Sebastian asked. "That's why I'm here." Emily replied. Emily handed him her paperwork as he accepted it and started looking at it. "Everything seems to be in order." Sebastian commented. "So I can get my Fister License?" Emily asked. "I already did the home study and the fire inspection while at your house. I see a letter of recommendation from Aaron Hotchner and Jack Hotchner. So, I think you're in luck." Sebastian replied and Emily grinned. "Great!" Emily exclaimed. "I'll call Millie from the system and tell her to bring Declan here as I get your license ready." Sebastian told her and she nodded. "Okay." Emily agreed as he got up and left.
      Aaron walked into the BAU and saw everyone spread out. JJ walked up to him with a case file in her hands. "Hey, where's Emily?" JJ asked. "Dealing with a few things at home. She'll meet us there." Aaron replied and JJ nodded with an eyebrow arched. "Is everything okay?" JJ asked. "Fine, it's nothing bad. We are just planning on telling everyone once we get back." Aaron replied and JJ smiled. "Can't wait." JJ commented as she turned and walked away. Aaron walked up to Spencer. "Hey, Reid. How's Maeve?" Aaron asked. "A lot better. She'll be in the hospital until I get back and then on bed rest for further notice." Spencer replied. "Is that normal?" Aaron asked and Spencer sighed. "Semi normal." Spencer replied. "But she's okay?" Aaron asked. "I hope. They're doing some more tests on her and the babies." Spencer replied. "More tests? That's not normal." Aaron commented. "I know. That's why I want to focus on work, so I'm not worrying about Maeve as much." Spencer told him and he nodded. "Of course. If you need some time off, just ask." Aaron told him and he smiled. "Thanks." Spencer commented.
      Emily sat in the chair as she tapped on the desk impatiently. The door opened and Emily stood up as Sebastian walked in holding something in his hand. "Declan's not here yet." Sebastian told her and she sighed. "Oh." Emily commented as she sat back down. He sat at his desk and handed her a small piece of paper that was laminated. "This is your Foster's license." Sebastian told her and she smiled as she accepted it. "Thanks." Emily commented. It has to be renewed every so often, because any kids in your care will be taken away unless they have been adopted." Sebastian warned her and she nodded. "Good to know." Emily agreed. The door opened and a women walked in with Declsn following. Emily stood up and smiled. Declan grinned and ran to her and hugged her as she hugged her back. "You came back for me." Declan commented and Emily pulled away and looked at him. "And I always will." Emily told him. "I'll have to remember that." Declan told her. "Come on, Declan. Let's go home." Emily told him as they left.

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