Chapter 30: Gender Part 2!

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      "Mom?" Emily asked. "What are you two doing here?" Elizabeth asked. "We're on a case." Emily replied. "Of course." Elizabeth commented. "What are you doing here?" Emily asked. "Business." Elizabeth replied. There was a moment of silence. "Well, we should get going." Aaron suggested. "To work on your case?" Elizabeth asked. "Yes." Emily replied as she cut off Aaron. "Good luck to the both of you." Elizabeth told them. "You too." Emily agreed. Emily took Aaron's hand and walked away. "What was that about?" Aaron asked after they were far enough away. "You know my relationship with my mom." Emily replied. "I thought you guys started getting along." Aaron told her and she sighed. "We were, but things changed." Emily told him. "How? When?" Aaron asked and Emily shook her head. "It's a long story." Emily replied.
      It was morning and everyone had just finished breakfast. They were all at the station as they waited to hear from Penelope. A video chat call came up from Spencer's laptop. Spencer accepted it and Penelope's face appeared. I found two of the men, one of them seems to have fallen off the grid." Penelope told them. "Send us the information and we'll check them out." Aaron told her. "On it." Penelope agreed and hung up. "JJ and Morgan will go to one. Emily and Rossi will go to the other one. Reid and I will stay here until Garcia can come up with something for the third man." Aaron explained. They all split up. Emily sighed when she saw her mom in the station. "Is that your mom?" David asked. "Yeah." Emily replied as she tried to avoid her. "What's she doing here?" David asked as they left the station. "Buisness." Emily replied.
       JJ and Derek went to the first house. Derek knocked on the door as a teenage girl answered it. "Yes?" The girl asked. "Are your parents home?" JJ asked. "Yeah." The girl replied and she walked away. Then the adults walked up to the door. "May we help you?" The women asked and the agents took out their badges. "FBI. We're here to talk about the recent murders." Derek replied. "What makes you think we know anything about that? The man asked. JJ held out the picture with all the men together. "This is why. You all know each other, and you might be next." JJ replied and the man sighed. "Why would someone want to kill all of you?" Derek asked. "You might want to come in." The man replied.
     Emily and David were at the other house, and the couple was just about to tell them why someone would want to murder everyone in that picture and their whole families. "We all grew up together, and we were best friends. Our families were rich, so we were destined to be rich when we got older. All, except one. But Ron never cared about money or material possessions. When we got older, we decided to make a group, a club you can say. We talked about money and we still let Ron in it. But we didn't know that he became bitter. One day, I announced my engagement, and he flipped. Turns out he was in love with her, he yelled at all of us and left. That was the last time we heard from him." The man explained. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" David asked. "That this family is the last target, because Ron is angry at them the most." Emily replied. "I'll call Morgan." David told her as he stood up and grabbed his phone.
      "Ron is the Unsub." JJ declared. "I'll call Garcia." Derek informed her as he walked into the kitchen. "I thought you forgot about me, Chocolate Thunder." Penelope commented and Derek laughed. "Never, Babygirl." Derek told her and she smirked. "Good." Penelope told him. "I need you to look up someone." Derek informed her. "Okay." Penelope agreed as she got ready. "Ron Terrance." Derek told her and Penelope started typing. "He grew up in town. He was really poor. Single mom and no dad. He lived and worked on a farm, but it's been abandoned for years." Penelope explained. "He's our Unsub, the other guy in the picture that you couldn't identify." Derek told her. "There is no last address, but I hacked into security cameras and found an unknown vehicle. It went to the farm." Penelope told him. "Got it, thanks." Derek commented and hung up. He heard gunshots and ran into the living room. "Where's our daughter?" The women asked. "I'll find her." JJ replied and ran up the stairs. "You won't get away with calling the feds!" A voice yelled angrily. Derek shot his gun a few times. The women screamed after getting shot. "No!" The man yelled as he held her. Derek shot his gun again and the gunshots stopped. He held his gun up high and slowly walked to where the gunshots came from. He walked into the family room and saw that no one was there. He sighed as he lowered his gun. He walked over to the open window and bent down. There was blood, Derek wounded the Unsub. "She's dead!" The man yelled and Derek ran back into the living room. JJ ran down the stairs. "An ambulance is on the way." JJ told them and the man looked up. "How's Macy?" The man asked. "She's badly injured, but alive." JJ replied.
     "Morgan and JJ didn't answer." David told her. "That's not like them." Emily commented. "You go to the station, I'll stay here and watch them." David suggested. "Better idea, we take them with us so they can be under protective custody." Emily suggested. "Good idea." David agreed. "I'll get the kids." The women told them as she walked upstairs. She walked back down with a three year old and holding a few month old baby girl with a diaper bag on her shoulder. "Let's go." David announced and they all left.
    Emily and David left the family at the station and drove to the farm. The rest of the team were already there. They all got their guns ready and walked in. They saw a shadowy figure. "Fbi!" Aaron called. The figure ran and Aaron and David ran after him. He ran out the back door as they followed. David tacked the ground as Aaron got out the handcuffs. "You're under arrest." Aaron told him as they held him up.
   They were all on the way back in their jet. JJ sat across from Derek. "Macy's going to pull through." JJ told him and he smiled. "That's great." Derek commented. "Too bad about his wife, though." JJ commented with a sigh. "Yeah, I wish we could have saved her too." Derek agreed. "At least the other family is just fine." JJ agreed. "That's true." Derek agreed. David was across from Spencer. "We should be back in time for the ultra sound." David commented and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I'm happy about that." Spencer told him. "Do you want a boy or a girl?" David asked. "It doesn't matter to me, I'll love them anyways." Spencer replied and David smiled. "You'll be a great dad." David told him and Spencer smiled.
     Spencer rushed into the hospital room and saw Maeve and the doctor. "You made it!" Maeve exclaimed with a smile. "Just in time." The doctor commented. Spencer sighed as he walked up to Maeve and held her hand. The doctor put some cold gel on her stomach and started the ultra sound. They heard the heart beat and they both smiled. "The babies are just fine." The doctor told them and they looked at the doctor confused. "Babies?" Maeve asked. "Yes, twins. A girl and a boy." The doctor replied.

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